
could be that due to the lowercase id now some need to reinstall the new

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Oskar Karlsson <i...@episodehunter.tv>wrote:

> Thanks for quick feedback. The script-id is now entirely lowercase.
> *addon - script.episodeHunter
> *version - 1.0.5
> *url - git://github.com/tjoskar/script.episodeHunter.git
> *revision - cdab454b9a57913b54383b1ceb6fab0a6e734016
> *branch - master
> *xbmc version - frodo
> Have a good one,
> // Oskar
> 2013/9/10 Martijn Kaijser <mart...@xboxmediacenter.com>
>> it seems something was missed on initial adding to repo.
>> the script id should be entirely lowercase. Could you please change that?
>> Martijn
>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Oskar Karlsson <i...@episodehunter.tv>wrote:
>>> *addon - script.episodeHunter
>>> *version - 1.0.5
>>> *url - git://github.com/tjoskar/script.episodeHunter.git
>>>  *revision - 70bd2fdbf0709dd31dfac7134985220b07ad6689
>>> *branch - master
>>> *xbmc version - frodo
>>> Have a good one,
>>> // Oskar
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>> regards,
>> Martijn Kaijser
>> Team XBMC

Martijn Kaijser
How ServiceNow helps IT people transform IT departments:
1. Consolidate legacy IT systems to a single system of record for IT
2. Standardize and globalize service processes across IT
3. Implement zero-touch automation to replace manual, redundant tasks
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