On 27-11-13 09:51, Fastcolors Tattoo wrote:

Oh one last thing, sorry to bother. But I have a question.

I’m submitting SiO2 as a “ATV” Replica, BUT I’m also developing a skin that’s based on this general concept, but more advanced and with more options.

Here’s the question: since XBMC discourages submitting mods… when the time comes should I repliche sio2? Because I feel like some people would love apple replica, but some (like me) would just like a nice skin. (in fact I noticed many people switchet to sio2x and never looked back)

Sorry to bother, I’m fairly new to this game.

Again, many thanks for your time.

it will depend on how different they look. if they look quite similar, but one has more features over the other,
i wouldn't bother maintaining both skins.

since there's no hard rule here, the wiki says this about submitting mods: 'each is evaluated on its own merit',
i'd say we do just that when sio2x is ready for submission.

here's my final list of things i've found. once these are taken care of, i'm ready to pull your skin into the repo.

these images seem to be missing in your skin?
CustomAddonShelfcustomizer.xml: <texture>Shades/Shelfoverlay.png</texture>
DialogAlbumInfo.xml: <texture>Shades/Infoshade.png</texture>
DialogSongInfo.xml: <texture>Shades/Infoshade.png</texture>

case sensitive issues:
Home.xml:          <thumb>icons/Movies.png</thumb>
Home.xml:          <thumb>icons/TVshows.png</thumb>
Home.xml:          <thumb>icons/Music.png</thumb>
Home.xml:          <thumb>icons/Addons.png</thumb>
Home.xml:          <thumb>icons/Photos.png</thumb>
should all be lowercase

Home.xml:          <thumb>icons/favs.png</thumb>
should be Favs.png

Videoviews.xml: <texture>images/white2.png</texture>
should be White2.png

CommonViews.xml:      <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
CommonViews.xml:      <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
DialogPVRChannelManager.xml: <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
DialogSelect.xml:        <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
DialogSelect.xml: <texturefocus border="32">images/slider.png</texturefocus>
Settings.xml:          <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
SkinSettings.xml:          <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
skin.xml:          <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
skin.xml:          <texture border="32">images/slider.png</texture>
should be Slider.png

Includes_Shelf.xml: <texture border="10=">images/sliderwl.png</texture> Includes_Shelf.xml: <texture border="10=">images/sliderwl.png</texture> Includes_Shelf.xml: <texture border="10=">images/sliderwl.png</texture>
should be SliderWL.png

DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml: <texture>images/black.png</texture>
DialogPVRGuideOSD.xml: <texture>images/black.png</texture>
script-rssclient-standalone-main.xml: <texture>images/black.png</texture>
VideoOSDSettings.xml: <texture>images/black.png</texture>
should be Black.png

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