You might want to replace the print statements with xbmc.log() next time.


On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 2:34 AM, José Antonio Montes
<jamon...@aboreal.es> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an update for the "Greenpeace videos" video add-on:
> * addon - plugin.video.greenpeace
> * version - 1.1.5
> * url - git://github.com/jamontes/plugin.video.greenpeace.git
> * revision - 70ccaae3630c8f73c166e91bb8a33c9e0806db01
> * branch - frodo
> * xbmc version - frodo
> Changelog (Frodo):
> v1.1.5
> - Updated language files from Transifex (thanks to alanwww1).
> - Fix enconding bug in show warning messages.
> - Added website tag to addon.xml file.
> - Removed old strings.xml files.
> Thanks a lot and best regards,
>       jamontes.
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