
this is an update for the add-on: plugin.video.schaetzederwelt

*addon - plugin.video.schaetzederwelt
*version - 1.0.1
*url - https://github.com/Chairon/plugin.video.schaetzederwelt.git
*revision - 2e084613c47f8177eceec8cefa750b5f2d33e1b8
*branch - master
*xbmc version - frodo

Last changelog entry:
* Improvements to get rid of timeout-problems opening URLs: catch
timeout and retry urlopen() several times
* Caching Main Page to reduce redundant requests to get the topic URLs.
* Added Metadata in URL Request: User-Agent
* addon.xml: added http:// to <website>,
* corrected first version number (0.1 -> 1.0.0)
* Several code design improvements
* Videos Context menu: Toggle button watched / unwatched
* unified logging instead of print()

Thank you and best regards,

Christian Fritsche

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