updated, thanks!

Please consider changing print to xbmc.log() before next update.
It is also recommended to use Unix LF (\n), you have CRLF (\r\n) in
language/English/strings.xml. We have changed our pull script to
automatically replace CRLF by LF before adding it to the repo.


2014-02-22 6:00 GMT+01:00 Damon Toumbs <dtoumbou...@gmail.com>:

> *addon -   plugin.video.abcradionational
>  *version - 1.0.3
>  *url -
> https://github.com/DamonToumbourou/plugin.video.abcradionational.git
>  *revision - 7651c6336c95e3cab6093ec04d486c62a69be909
>  *branch - master
>  *xbmc version - frodo
> #version 0.0.1 - Initial working version.
> #version 1.0.2 - Fix index out of range error.
> #version 1.0.3 - Rectify issue with the thumbs scraper.
> Thank you,
> Damon Toumbourou
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