
> I tried to fix all issues but I can't find anything special in the file 
> "script.games.rom.collection.browser/resources/skins/Font.xml" (line 20, 
> column 2). > When I check the file with Notepad++ (show all characters) 
> everything seems to be ok, all lines ending with CR LF and no other unusual 
> characters.
Ok, seems that XBMCs Font.xml definition is not well formed XML
because the font-entries have no parent which is against the XML
Ignore this error, sorry.

> I would also like to keep the duplicate string ids for a short while. There 
> are a few skins that have RCB support and I would like to give the skinners > 
> a chance to update their files as well.
Makes sense, ok keep them for a decent time.

But you still have an error in
Line 1549:
 > delay="0"time="400"
(whitespace missing)

Btw, if you are interested in the full list of errors and warnings
(after stripping about 1000 errors regarding strings) see here:
http://pastebin.com/W6UtZzQw ;)

Nevertheless I updated the add-on, thanks for your work!


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