On 05-03-15 12:59, PJvH wrote:
* addon
* version - 3.50.05
* url: https://github.com/vonH/Xperience1080/tree/Helix
* revision - 03c427d
* branch - helix
* kodi version - helix

Note: updates from transifex + one corrected conditional item that stopped the selectdialog being displayed when audio playing + addon.xml updates to include new strings for description = not a big update with just one small fix and languages.

hi Piers,

your addon.xml fails xml validation.

<summary lang="de">Ein aufgerÀumtes & modernes, Kachel-basiertes Skin in 1920x1080p</summary>

the & character is not valid inside xml, you need to replace it with &amp;

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