On 09-12-15 09:23, Jerome ERMEL wrote:
*addon - skin.kover
*version - 0.6.0
*url - https://github.com/Jayz2K/skin.KOver
*revision - 0efbff07a2c96a02ebb0743f556a39a473202f59
*branch - master
*kodi version - jarvis


Changed revision. Made a last minute change next to the Extended Infos script popup (removed movie. and actor. prefix following the changelog info).

If it's still time ;)
Sry for that. Thx

hi Jayz2K,

thanx for submitting your skin to the kodi repo!

it's always nice to see a skin come to completion and certainly one that does things quite differently as to what we're used to
by implementing a way for users to fully customize the skin layout.
i can imagine that must've quite an undertaking to get it to work properly. :-)

as with all new skins that are submitted, there's some initial issues that require some attention. i've reviewed the code and took the skin for a test-drive and came up with this list:

1) could you resize the images inside the _screenshots folder to 1280x720px?
see: http://kodi.wiki/index.php?title=Add-on_rules#Requirements_for_skins

2) there are a handful of fonts included in the skin, accompanied by one license file
i'm not sure to which font this license applies?
we need to be sure that all files we host in our repo are legal to re-distribute, so if you could provide some more info/licenses for every font you include that would be great.

3) the skins contains a number of zipfiles in several directories. can those be removed, or if needed, be distributed uncompressed?
we prefer not to host compressed and/or binary files on repo.

4) a few labels that needs to be localized
Dialogs_ExtendedIncludes2.xml: Untranslated Label: Lists
Dialogs_InfosIncludes.xml: Untranslated Label: Loading...

5) case sensitive issue, please rename
DialogOk.xml > DialogOK.xml

6) several undefined id's, please review and fix
undefined id 416 (2x)
<visible>!SubString(ListItem.Icon,Default) + !SubString(Control.GetLabel(416),*)</visible> <visible>!SubString(ListItem.Icon,Default) + SubString(Control.GetLabel(416),*)</visible>

undefined id's 9010/9011/9012/9013
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="200" condition="Control.HasFocus(9010) | Control.HasFocus(9011) | Control.HasFocus(9012) | Control.HasFocus(9013) | Control.HasFocus(98)">Conditional</animation>

<visible>[!Player.HasVideo | !Skin.String($PARAM[CompPrefix].WPVDOTop,VISIBLE)] + !IsEmpty(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(background)) + [!Control.HasFocus(9011) | Skin.String($PARAM[CompPrefix].WPBgs,IMAGE)]</visible>

<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="200" condition="Control.HasFocus(9010) | Control.HasFocus(9011) | Control.HasFocus(9012) | Control.HasFocus(9013) | Control.HasFocus(98)">Conditional</animation>

<value condition="StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(viewtype),View1)">$INFO[Container(9011).ListItem.Art(fanart)]</value>

<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="200" condition="Control.HasFocus(9010) | Control.HasFocus(9011) | Control.HasFocus(9012) | Control.HasFocus(9013) | Control.HasFocus(98)">Conditional</animation>

<value condition="StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(viewtype),View2)">$INFO[Container(9012).ListItem.Art(fanart)]</value>

<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="200" condition="Control.HasFocus(9010) | Control.HasFocus(9011) | Control.HasFocus(9012) | Control.HasFocus(9013) | Control.HasFocus(98)">Conditional</animation>

<value condition="StringCompare(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(viewtype),View3)">$INFO[Container(9013).ListItem.Art(fanart)]</value>

undefined id 1200
<visible>!Window.IsVisible(1100) + !Control.HasFocus(9500) + !Control.HasFocus(9400) + !IsEmpty(Container(9100).ListItem.Label) + !Window.IsVisible(1200)</visible>

7) errors found in the log when running the skin
15:21:21 T:140312745457792 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyWeather.xml) ------ 15:21:21 T:140312745457792 ERROR: Control 50 in window 12600 has been asked to focus, but it can't

15:26:24 T:140312745457792 DEBUG: Load /home/ronie/.kodi/addons/skin.kover/16x9/script-skinshortcuts.xml: 10.27ms 15:26:24 T:140312745457792 ERROR: Control 211 in window 13000 has been asked to focus, but it can't
15:26:25 T:140312278468352   ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 111
15:26:25 T:140312278468352   ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 306
15:26:25 T:140312278468352   ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 309

if you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to ask!

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