Hey Ronie,


Thank you for your kind help so far!


Everything is settle, please recheck when you're able to!


version:  0.2.19


revision: master branch - latest

xbmc version: All                


P.S. See below yellow marker where I had to comment something.




Best Regards,



Finalmakerr <mailto:finalmak...@gmail.com> @gmail.com




From: ronie  <mailto:[mailto:ro...@kodi.tv]> [mailto:ro...@kodi.tv] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 10:14 PM
To:  <mailto:finalmak...@gmail.com> finalmak...@gmail.com;
<mailto:xbmc-addons@lists.sourceforge.net> xbmc-addons@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Xbmc-addons] FW: [Git Pull] script.featherence.service


On 14-03-16 15:25, finalmak...@gmail.com wrote:

Hey Ronie,


Any progress J ?



Best Regards,




yeah, takes a lot of time to review such a large addon :-)

so, here it goes...

- addon.xml
use <summary lang="en">
please add a proper description instead of <description

- icon.png
must have a solid background

- we don't allow zipfiles in our repo:
if you need them, please distribute the files unzipped

- use xbmc.log() for logging, please replace these 'print' statements:
default.py: print printfirst + "default.py_LV" + printpoint + space +
"Remote_Name" + space2 + Remote_Name + space + "Remote_Name2" + space2 +

default.py:if TypeError != "": print printfirst + "Default.py" + space +
"TypeError" + space2 + str(TypeError)

default.py:if admin: print printfirst + "default.py_LV" + printpoint + space
+ "mode" + space2 + str(mode) + space + "value" + space2 + str(value)

modules.py: print x

modules.py: print y

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules5.py: print 'bla ' + html_

resources/lib/shared/commondownloader.py: if silent != True or admin: print
'Download File Size : %dMB %s ' % (mb, dest)

resources/lib/shared/commondownloader.py: print 'Download percent : %s %s
%dMB downloaded : %sMB File Size : %sMB' % (str(percent)+'%', dest, mb,
downloaded / 1000000, content / 1000000)

resources/lib/shared/commondownloader.py: print str(e)

resources/lib/shared/commondownloader.py: print '%d Error(s) whilst
downloading %s' % (count, dest)

resources/lib/shared/commondownloader.py: print '%s download canceled - too
many error whilst downloading' % (dest)

resources/lib/shared/commondownloader.py: print 'Download resumed (%d) %s' %
(resume, dest)

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules3.py: print 'x__' + space2 + str(url)

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules3.py: print 'link :' + str(link) +
newline + 'prms:' + str(prms) + newline + 'title:' + str(title) + newline +
'id' + space2 + str(id) + newline + 'finalurl' 

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules3.py: print 'i__' + space2 + str(i__) +
space + str(url2)

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules3.py: print url

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules3.py: print 'url: ' + url

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules3.py: print printfirst + '***The
following video ID is broken!' + space + str(title) + space + str(x) + space
+ 'Please report to Featherence in order to fix 

resources/lib/shared/shared_modules.py: print printfirst + to_utf8(title) +
'_LV' + str(printpoint) + space + to_utf8(text)

resources/lib/debug4.py: print post_data

resources/lib/debug4.py: print response

resources/lib/widget.py: print "import simplejson " + "TypeError: " +

resources/lib/widget.py: print "import simplejson " + "TypeError: " +

- you need to localize all the text in your script that gets displayed in
the skin:


line 144
notification('No trailer found.', value_title, '', 3000)

line 553
notification("There is no data to load!", "You should create a save
session", "", 4000)

line 561
notification("Featherence_.txt is missing!", "Check your zip file!", "",


line 615
notification('url saved!','Container.FolderPath.txt','',2000)

line 707
Custom1000(name,1,'This action may take a while.. be patient!',30)

line 989
xbmc.executebuiltin('SetProperty(1000comment,This action may take a while be

line 1292
if "9" in printpoint: notification("Error Occured!", '', '', 2000)

line 1315
if not int(property_buttonid_) > 0: printpoint = printpoint + "1" ;
notification("Error No.1", "", "", 1000)

line 1344
if y == "": printpoint = printpoint + "9" ; notification("Cannot create new
buttons","Delete some first","",2000)

line 1380
extra2 = extra2 + newline + "This action will also reset" + space2 +
str(property_buttonname2) + space + "(" + str(property_buttonid) + ")"

line 1495
notification('New color selected!', str(returned), '', 1000)


line 42
xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification("Widget Error","Your OS is missing json
module!", 2000)')


line 100
if silent != True or admin: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(title, dest, 'Download
failed', 'No response from server')

line 116
if silent != True or admin: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(title, file, 'Unknown
filesize', 'Unable to download')

line 133
if xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(title + ' - Confirm Download', file, 'Complete
file is %dMB' % mb, 'Continue with download?', 'Confirm',  'Cancel') == 1:


line 1041
dp.create("Removing: " + path, "", " ")

line 1184
elif custom == "25": notification('OS not supported!','',2000) #Addon is
missing! Trying to download addon

line 1185
elif custom == "26": notification('File is missing!', "","",2000)


line 2681
message = "1. Save a button using the [B]Save One[/B] button.[CR]2. Locate
the saved zip file
in:[CR][B]special://userdata/addon_data/"+addonID+"/[/B][CR]3. Share the
file with your friends."

line 2774
extra = extra + newline + featherenceserviceaddondata_media_path + AddonName
+ ".txt" + space + 'Is not found!'
This is used with xbmc.log() module only!

line 2785
else: notification_common('9') ; extra = extra + newline + 'filename is

This is used with xbmc.log() module only!

line 2795
notification("Invalid file!", "", "", 4000)

line 2798
notification("There is no data to load!", "You should create a save
session", "", 4000)

line 2806
notification(AddonName + ".txt is missing!", "Check your zip file!", "",

line 2884
if Custom_Playlist_ID == "": notification("Playlist limit reached!", "You
may delete some playlists and try again!", "", 4000)

line 2963
if Custom_Playlist_ID == "": notification("Error ID", "Use featherence Debug
addon for support", "", 2000) ; printpoint = printpoint + "9"

line 3001
if Custom_Playlist_ID == "": notification("Error ID", "Use featherence Debug
addon for support", "", 2000) ; printpoint = printpoint + "9"

line 3176
notification("URL Error", "Try again..", "", 2000)

line 3177
header = "URL Error"

line 3178
message = "Examine your URL for errors:" + newline + '[B]' + str(value) +

line 3244
notification("URL Error", "Try again..", "", 2000)

line 3245
header = "URL Error"

line 3246
message = "Examine your URL for errors:" + newline + '[B]' + str(value) +

- no execution of shell scripts

if Remote_Name != "None": os.system('sh

if systemplatformlinux or systemplatformlinuxraspberrypi:
os.system('ir-keytable -c','ir-keytable -c')

def terminal(command):
    '''Execute commands to OS terminal'''
    import subprocess
    name = 'terminal' ; printpoint = "" ; TypeError = "" ; extra = "" ;
output = ""

    process = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True)

- please don't try to run addons that are not not in our repo


if 'plugin://plugin.video.sdarot.tv' in x: title2 = space + '[Sdarot-TV]'


addon = "plugin.video.dailymotion_com"


- we do not allow addons to download/install other addons, if needed add
them as a requirement in addon.xml


def installaddonP(addon, update=True):

DownloadFile( <https://www.dropbox.com/s/fffcc2barlwyeuo/>
"https://www.dropbox.com/s/fffcc2barlwyeuo/"+addon+".zip?dl=1";, addon +
".zip", packages_path, addons_path, silent=True)

if you have any questions, just let me know.


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