We made some changes recently(2.7?) to use the os shipped tftp server
instead of the xCAT one. For configuring the os shipped tftp server,
AAsn.pm intentionally configured disabled=yes into /etc/xinetd.d/tftp, and
start tftp directly by calling "/usr/sbin/in.tftpd $v4only -v -l
-s /tftpboot -m /etc/tftpmapfile4xcat.conf", because we noticed that
starting tftp through xinetd did not work well in some scenarios, for
example, the system has alias ip addresses configured.

 Li,Guang Cheng (李光成)
 IBM China System Technology Laboratory
 Email: ligua...@cn.ibm.com
 Address: Building 28, ZhongGuanCun Software Park,
          No.8, Dong Bei Wang West Road, Haidian District Beijing 100193,

邮编: 100193

             "Pocina, Goran"                                               
             hawResearch.com>                                           To 
             2012-06-12 03:19          <xcat-user@lists.sourceforge.net>   
             Please respond to                                     Subject 
                xCAT Users             Re: [xcat-user] xcat - tftp         
               Mailing list            compatibility issue?                

Saw a similar report in the bug tracker, so there’s a chance there’s a fix
being worked on:

However after updating to the latest snapshot,  the xinetd.d/tftp file is
still being overwritten by AAsn.pm.   The version are now:

[root@drdkvm0003 /]# rpm -qa | egrep -i 'atftp|xcat-server'

Perhaps the easiest short term fix for me is just to allow AAsn.pm to
generate a non-working xinetd conf file for tftpd, and to start tftp from a
separate, /etc/init.d/tftp  init script.   I’m a little hesitant to do this
because there’s code in AAsn.pm that restarts xinetd, which would result in
tftp being restarted, and if an init script is used to start tftp instead,
xcat will not have control over tftp.



From: Pocina, Goran
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'xcat-user@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: xcat - tftp compatibility issue?

I have the following installed on a Linux CentOS 6.2 Management node:


Once installed, whenever xcatd is restarted, the following xinetd file is
generated for tftp:

[root@drdkvm0003 xcat]# cat  /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
# default: on
# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file transfer
protocol. The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless worksta.
service tftp
    disable         = yes
    socket_type     = dgram
    protocol        = udp
    wait            = yes
    user            = apache
    group           = apache
    server          = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
    server_args     = -s /tftpboot -m /etc/tftpmapfile4xcat.conf
    per_source      = 11
    cps             = 100 2
    flags           = IPv4

However according to the atftpd man page, the server args above won’t work.
in order to work with atftp, the following changes are needed:

[root@drdkvm0003 xinetd.d]# diff /tmp/tftp /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
<     disable         = yes
>     disable         = no
<     server_args     = -s /tftpboot -m /etc/tftpmapfile4xcat.conf
>     server_args     = -v --logfile /var/log/tftpd /tftpboot

The problem is every time xcatd is restarted, /etc/xinetd.d/tftp is
overwritten by: /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/AAsn.pm

I wondering whether I should look for a different version of tftpd,  try
the latest xCAT snapshot, or look for a configuration problem?  Likely the
default of “disable = yes” is a configuration issue in my db, but the
AAsn.pm doesn’t appear to have much wiggle room for different tftpd

(BTW I tried installing atftp-xcat, but it shows that it’s been obsoleted
by xCAT-server.)




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