On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 08:52:05AM +0000, Tomer Shachaf wrote:
> Its seems like the script is not updated to redhat 9 and above because redhat 
> change the file location of the nic configuration from 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ib0 to 
> /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ibs1f0.nmconnection

It has been updated.  confignetwork passes a value to configib to set
the operating mode for rh8+.  which value is determed by a function
in nicutils.sh, specifically check_NetworkManager_or_network_service()
on line 1594.  NetworkManager has to be running and the older networking
service must not be running when this script is called in order for the
correct value to be returned.  nmcli must also be present and

You might get some insight from checking the logs for the messages in
nicutils.sh lines 1609-1630.  Note that in the RH8+ scenario under
successful execution there is no log message.  The script's failure
state is the same "return 2" as a successful detection of RH8+, so it's
possible that breaking things worse might work as well as fixing things.


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