Wow !!!!!! its really said to read that friends .
Wish you all the best .

From: Nathan A Besaw via xCAT-user <>
Sent: Friday, 1 September 2023 19:50
To: xCAT Users Mailing list <>
Cc: Nathan A Besaw <>
Subject: [xcat-user] Announcement: xCAT Project End-Of-Life planned for 
December 1, 2023

Mark Gurevich, Peter Wong, and I have been the primary xCAT maintainers for the 
past few years. This year, we have moved on to new roles unrelated to xCAT and 
can no longer continue to support the project. As a result, we plan to archive 
the project on December 1, 2023. xCAT 2.16.5, released on March 7, 2023, is our 
final planned release.

We would consider transitioning responsibility for the project to a new group 
of maintainers if members of the xCAT community can develop a viable proposal 
for future maintenance.

Thank you all for you support of the project over the past 20+ years.

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