> Confluent and xCAT have diverged to a point they're now *very* different tools

This is true, and one reason why I was relieved we wouldn't try to call such an 
effort 'xCAT 3'.  On the other hand, they are very similar in a lot of 
respects.  My original goal back in 2013 with confluent was 'maybe replace 
xcatd one day'.  I was hoping that the things that do change might be slightly 
annoying as a learning curve and migration, but ultimately at least as 
convenient if not easier to learn/understand/debug for those coming in cold. 
Particularly the OS image stuff both represents a pain for migration, but also 
something that for people coming in cold is a bit easier to 
follow/tweak/maintain.  However, I would want to preserve and enhance 
coexistence, even on the same management server. If ultimately the community 
gravitates toward xCAT 2 codebase, then that's fine, it's just not a direction 
I'm able to personally facilitate.

> Nor that moving existing xCAT users and installations to a new system down 
> the line will be a very easy transition path.

Early days for me to venture much of an actionable opinion, but my guess is 
that we will have the current 'xcatd' as a package for people to install, 
largely to facilitate supporting existing OS profiles, particularly xCAT 
dialect of diskless. xCAT OS images would manifest as stub profiles in 'native 
confluent' and serviced largely by existing xCATd.  I think 99% of the 
transition path for users will be the OS images, and I'm hoping that for the 
scope of currently supported major versions of OSes, this will work.  Would 
have to go to a 'confluent' style when RHEL10 and clones come out, or other OS 
platforms that xCAT didn't support, but hoping that the learning curve and 
effort isn't too bad against the broader backdrop of migrating such an image to 
a major distribution release.  confluent handling of DHCP feature with either 
some accommodations for xCAT use of DHCP or injecting some of the confluent 
logic into runtime of xCAT images. Note this coexistence applies to other OS 
deployment options, so we have to be careful not to step on toes that xCAT 
traditionally has been willing to step on.

I suppose I should also confess that the out of the box confluent SSH strategy 
is a bit different, though I think 'adding on' xCAT style approach is easy to 
provide, though it may not be a very discouraged option versus adding confluent 
style SSH configuration to xCAT managed OSes (some security sensibilities are 
very opposed to the xCAT strategy)

> trying to fix the existing xCAT issues and supporting newer distributions 
> over time.

At least for me, this is a bit tricky. xCAT is a bit of a peculiar codebase (in 
large part my fault, I'm sure a lot of xCAT developers have cursed my name) and 
even trying to follow some of the code I myself wrote some time ago has been a 
challenge at times. Beyond that, the population of people comfortable dealing 
in perl is a tad more limited so this can be a challenge. I may be incorrect, 
but my feeling is that the manpower possibly available is more limited when it 
comes to the xCAT 2 codebase (e.g. I know at least a few people that are 
unlikely to be of practical help with it but could help with something stemming 
from the current confluent codebase, myself included). There are some fragile 
bits that aren't great on their best days that have some even bigger challenges 
in the wider ecosystem coming. Some of the xCAT issues are pretty core and I 
struggle to imagine how to improve them within reason.  Some have mitigations 
that aimed to alleviate the problems best we could figure out at the time, and 
I at least haven't had bright ideas on clean approaches, though I'll admit to 
not having considered it other than trying to avoid them in confluent.

> Adding I'm a bit concerned that adding configuration management tooling into 
> the mix

I would like some clarification on that.  We do have hooks to allow, for 
example, ansible, but confluent doesn't require or currently ship any ansible 
dependent options as of yet, and I'm also uncomfortable with mandating any 
particular configuration management in the core functionality even as we do 
better job supporting chosen configuration management tooling. I do want to 
support people to the extent they desire things like ansible and salt, but I 
don't want to be opinionated and demand any of them either. Currently the OS 
management capability mimics xCAT scope pretty closely, getting networking, 
basic node configuration, and ssh going, with exceptionally light 'post-deploy' 
capabilities, largely about fixing up those same basic features.

In short, my hope is that we can provide something that minimizes the admitted 
pain of migration while catering to a lot of the use cases that people care 
about (and will be interested to see where people feel those gaps are today).

Anyway, hope this was useful, sorry if I rambled on a bit.
From: Kilian Cavalotti <kilian.cavalotti.w...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 4:37 PM
To: xCAT Users Mailing list <xcat-user@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [External] Re: [xcat-user] xCAT Consortium update

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 11:52 AM Laurence Horrocks-Barlow via
xCAT-user <xcat-user@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> The future
> The consortium is finalising:
> - Its decision to rebase Confluent as it’s start for the next cluster 
> management and administration tooling.
> - What features to port over from xCAT?
> - Which configuration management tooling should be included as a base?
> - Any Confluent rebase will likely be renamed to respect existing product 
> name and intellectual properties. (Yes we’re looking for names!)

I know that ship has probably sailed already, and I don't want to
challenge or question things that have already been decided, but
Confluent and xCAT have diverged to a point they're now *very*
different tools. I'm not sure that bringing features over from xCAT to
Confluent will be less work or be more achievable with a limited team
of volunteers than trying to fix the existing xCAT issues and
supporting newer distributions over time. Nor that moving existing
xCAT users and installations to a new system down the line will be a
very easy transition path.

Adding I'm a bit concerned that adding configuration management
tooling into the mix and renaming it all doesn't really look like it's
going in the direction of a xCAT project continuation, I'm afraid. :\


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