Begin forwarded message:

> From: steve jennings <>
> Subject: Wave flying
> Date: 26 September 2013 2:10:30 AM AEST
> To:
> I have been using xcsoar for a year and I am very grateful for the amasing 
> work you have done.Xcsoar has made me much more efficient at flying in 
> thermals.I was wondering how difficult it would be to write a program that 
> would use existing formulas to predict the locations and heights of the 
> different waves within one system.Maybe there could be a visual indicator 
> that would show us where we are within the wave system. For example the 
> program could show us the time left to the next wave, warn us if we are too 
> low, or if there are any obstacles etc. .I have no idea how much work is 
> involved since I have no knowledge of programming.  I understand that this is 
> a none lucrative endeavor which makes me even more appreciative of your hard 
> work. They say you can't teach and old dog new tricks , well you have. I 
> would like to thank you in advance for everything.

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