But this is only true if the .desktop file is a valid .desktop file, no?

I guess so. I don't know what KDE/GNOME do when given an invalid desktop file.

And if the icon is actually in the theme on the user's system?

Yes - things like JPEG file, word processor document etc are pretty much guaranteed to be there.

They can't embed their own icons.

This is what will save us ...

We can also limit what one can put in the Icon= line, to icons in the 

That was the original proposal. There have been lots of alternatives proposed, but can anybody think of a good reason why we shouldn't do this? Aaron gave the best IMHO - that there are many "legit" icons a malicious file could use that aren't mime icons. Fair point. But, is this reasoning strong enough to say we should not do it? I am not sure.

thanks -mike
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