On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 07:25:17PM -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 20:40 +0100, Alexey Shuvaev wrote:
> > Hello all!
> > 
> > The long history short: FITS image mime type is officially registered
> > since 2005. So it is named image/fits and application/fits now.
> Regardless of this correction in shared-mime-info, can I recommend to
> simply accept both mime types in the gdk-pixbuf loader ?
Mmm... Well it is possible but...

>From RFC 4047 (from the section about registration of image/fits):
   Additional information:

   A FITS file described with the media type "image/fits" SHOULD have a
   PHDU with positive integer values for the NAXIS and NAXISn keywords,
   and hence SHOULD contain at least one pixel.  Files with 4 or more
   non-degenerate axes (NAXISn>1) SHOULD be described as
   "application/fits", not as "image/fits".  (In rare cases it may be
   appropriate to describe a NULL image -- a dataless container for FITS
   keywords, with NAXIS=0 or NAXISn=0 -- or an image with 4+ non-
   degenerate axes as "image/fits" but this usage is discouraged because
   such files may confuse simple image viewer applications.)

And from the the io-fits.c sorce:
 * NOTE: The gdk-pixbuf library presently supports only 2D images, but
 *       the FITS format allows for images of up to 999 dimensions.  This
 *       module will return valid a GdkPixbuf* for:
 *       2D FITS images, in which case the entire image is returned
 *       3D images, in which case ONLY the 2D slice along Z=1 is returned
 *       N > 3D images ONLY if each additional dimension is of size 1,
 *              in which case, again, only a 2D slice is returned 

I would say that current behaviour of the loader exactly matches
the description of image/fits mime type.
BTW: I'm not the author if the loader, the [current] author (Michael S. Noble)
is CC-ed.

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