Merged, thanks!

$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP... Not sure. Probably it's from pam_systemd.
It would be more reliable to take lowercase of $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP then.

2017-05-25 16:53, Roman Chistokhodov пишет:
I found error in processing TryExec. Made pull request.

What the specification is XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP part of?

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 2:03 PM, Vladimir Kudrya <> wrote:
I'm backing up my proposal with some code:

Please test.

2017-05-25 10:09, Vladimir Kudrya пишет:

So now xdg-termial is a collection of workarouds to tie different DE's approaches together. Just like xdg-open.
IMHO, there should be a movement towards proper standards.

@Simon, with your remarks taken into accout, here is an update:
Using desktop entries to define terminals gives advantages to downstream tools (selector GUIs, etc.) by providing proper descriptions, l10n.
Places to look could be extended beyond /usr, into a proper ${XDG_DATA_[HOME|DIRS]} hierarchy, so it would look like this:

Terminal descriptios:
~/.local/share/xdg-terminals ($XDG_DATA_HOME)
{/usr/local/share,/usr/share}/xdg-terminals ($XDG_DATA_DIRS)

~/.config/$desktop-xdg-terminals.list ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME)
/etc/xdg/$desktop-xdg-terminals.list ($XDG_CONFIG_DIRS)

If this logic would be embeded into xdg-terminal, that would be a great start.

2017-05-25 09:16, Simon Lees wrote:
We already have the xdg-terminal binary which launches the terminal
based off the currently running desktop. I think a better approach would
be to integrate with that existing infrastructure, it could be modified
for example to check for the existence of a config file in 1 maybe
several dirs (I guess a sysadmin may want to configure a default
terminal for all his users).

That config file would contain the path to the terminal followed by the
exec command. This approach is less secure as someone could modify the
config file without you realising (I guess this could happen anyway).

I don't like the idea of describing exec arguments only somewhere in
/usr, it would mean that if I was working on a machine that I didn't
have root access to and I wanted to use some less popular or new
terminal that hadn't been added to the list yet I wouldn't be able to. I
also wouldn't be able to use a terminal that I had built from source in
my home dir and added to my path.

I also think in the days of the X11 / wayland transition prefixing the
config files with xdg- rather then x- is a better approach, I may be on
my own with that though.


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