On Mi, 02.05.18 11:30, Josh Triplett (j...@joshtriplett.org) wrote:

> On Wed, May 02, 2018 at 07:53:47PM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > On Di, 29.08.17 18:42, Johannes Löthberg (johan...@kyriasis.com) wrote:
> > 
> > heya,
> > 
> > > I've had some old patches around for the XDG basedir spec, and figured I 
> > > might as well finally send them in and see what people think.
> > > 
> > > The first one just reformats some text and fixes some inconsistent 
> > > indentation, so should be pretty uncontroversial.
> > > 
> > > The second patch adds XDG_BIN_HOME and XDG_BIN_DIRS to the basedir spec, 
> > > standardizing ~/.local/bin as the default user-specific bin directory.
> > 
> > Sorry for dropping the ball on this one.
> > 
> > The whole discussion just came up on fedora devel again, so I figured
> > I really should merge this now. I hence pinged Allison about this, one
> > of the original spec authors, and she suggested we should not define
> > any new env vars but simply document the dir as ~/.local/bin. 
> While I don't think we need the full complexity of $XDG_BIN_DIRS, having
> $XDG_BIN_HOME to override seems useful, for the same reason as the rest
> of the $XDG_* variables. (With the full benefit of hindsight, I'd have
> suggested having a single $XDG_HOME that defaults to ~/.local, serving as the 
> root for
> everything except $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, so that people could choose to point
> it somewhere other than ~/.local without having to set a pile of
> individual variables, but I don't think we can do anything
> about that now. So given the current state, I think we should have an
> $XDG_BIN_HOME analogous to the other $XDG_* variables to allow people to
> point this elsewhere if they want. If they do, they'll have to take care
> of getting it into $PATH and similar, but tools that install binaries
> can use the desired directory as the target for installation.)

So yeah, Allison also suggested that having a single "XDG_PREFIX" env
var would have been the much better option, rather than have
individual ones. Now, that ship sailed pretty much, but that's not
reason enough to go for XDG_BIN_HOME really. I mean, "~/.local/" is
hardcoded as fallback prefix into the spec, so we should just accept
that here too, and admit that making this individually configurable
wasn't the best of ideas. I mean, making the searhc paths dynamically
configurable using an env var by all means made sense, but the "home"
dirs? i am not convinced...

But dunno, I am not feeling too strongly about this, but it appeared
to me that just not doing an env var here was the best way to get this
in quickly...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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