I hope I'm on the right list, and not being too forward! I got this address 
from #freedesktop at Freenode.


Proposal: add a [Spoken Name] field to .desktop files, for use by "virtual 

I'm writing a crude utility to enable the Mycroft personal assistant to launch 
desktop applications. The most effective route *by far* has been to parse 
desktop entries, just like your typical application launcher, and cache the 

The problem arises when trying to name the program out loud. The "name" field 
in a desktop entry doesn't necessarily correspond to what a user would call the 
program when discussing it. Hence, "Mycroft, launch Firefox," doesn't do the 
trick on stock Debian. You have to do, "Mycroft, launch Firefox ESR." Quantum 
on stock Ubuntu wants to be called, "Firefox Web Browser," or something like 

There are all manner of partial solutions to this problem. You could cache 
aliases, preloading the cache with known applications and their colloquial 
names, and permitting users to add aliases of their own. You could get fancy 
with the AI, asking it to do fuzzy matching, or hooking into its own parser.

However, this seems like a feature that everybody's going to have within a few 
years. Why should programmers or users have to work around the written name of 
an application? Surely it should be up to developers to inform my "virtual 
assistant" that the program is properly termed *Telegram* and not *Telegram 
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