
I am using freedesktop that is included in openindiana distributions (OI-hipster2020.04). I have a problem when trying to print from pluma: nothing is printed and I get the following message

    GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
    org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files

This problem appeared a few days ago.

Does anybody see what could be the problem. Apparently the avahi package is installed but svcs does not see it and if I try svcadm enable avahi, the service does not seem to exist.

The only recent changes I made recently to the system were adding the library CSWlibgamin1-0-0 and CSWgamin but I did not configure it in init.d because the gam_server of OI-hipster is already running.

I also added fail2ban but the printing problem already existed before this.

Thanks in advance


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