Some clarification via the documentation and also this StackExchange answer 
from 2008:

macOS `DocumentPackages` do not need an internal `Info.plist`; rather, 
filetypes are registered with the operating system via the `Info.plist` of an 
application that supports given filetypes.

It seems like once a `DocumentPackage` extension is registered with the 
operating system, Spotlight will automatically set the Uniform Type Indicator  
“” and/or “” under `kMDItemContentTypeTree`.

For example, if you append `.rtfd` to an arbitrary directory, then run `mdls` 
against it, among other output you should see:

> kMDItemContentType                     = ""
> kMDItemContentTypeTree                 = (
>     "",
>     "",
>     "",
>     "public.item",
>     "public.composite-content",
>     "public.content"
> )

It’s been a while since I’ve run into the issue, but if I remember correctly 
it’s possible to have a directory with a known package extension and have the 
operating system not recognize the directory as a package if you bring the 
directory over from another filesystem.

I believe the above information is stored as an extended attribute under 
`` and 
``, but I’m not 100% sure.

Obviously an extension to the MIME standard shouldn’t use Apple’s internal 
extended attributes. At the same time, some degree of cross-compatibility on 
the Linux end would be nice, and an extension to the MIME standard would be 
more likely to be supported on the macOS and iOS end (i.e. at a bare minimum 
not mangling any packages following such a standard).

Anyway, the way that macOS applications register package types seems very 
closely analogous to the way `.desktop` files register MIME types. That said, 
it could be nice if packages could “self-register” using internal  `.desktop` 
files, albeit obviously without the the `Exec` key.

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