
I want to generate in the "web.xml" the following informations
      <resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1146669195903">
and in the "ibm-web-bnd.xmi" 
  <resRefBindings xmi:id="ResourceRefBinding_1146669195903" 
    <bindingResourceRef href="WEB-INF/web.xml#ResourceRef_1146669195903"/>

Actually i use a ANT task but i was unable to generate those informations
 <target name="webdoclet-was" description="Genere les fichiers web" 
  <webdoclet destdir="${src.dir}/web/WEB-INF" mergedir="${src.dir}/web/WEB-INF" 
excludedtags="@ejb,@version,@author,@todo,@param" force="true" verbose="true">
   <deploymentdescriptor displayname="${ant.project.name}" id="true" 
useIds="true" servletspec="2.4" /> 
   <fileset dir="${framework.dir}/src/fr/bdf/suren2/framework/common/util/">
    <include name="Suren2JStockage.java" />
   <webspherewebxml useIds="true">
    <configParam name="virtualHostName" value=""/>
    <configParam name="fileServingEnabled" value="true"/>

To generate "web.xml" file i use the following files
- servlet-mapping.xml
- servlets.xml
- taglibs.xml
- web-security.xml
- welcomefiles.xml
With the "ejb-resource.xml", i sucessed to add "resourece-ref" in the "web.xml" 
file but i can not generate correctly the "ibm-web-bnd.xml" file
Someon have i idea to resolve this problem ? because i have to delivry a 
solution for my client on 10 january
Thanks for help.

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