Hoping someone can at least point me in the right direction; just installed
SP1 on Xenserver 6.5 and xapi won't start anymore. Getting the following
error in xensource.log. "xapi -version" reports PRODUCT_VERSION=6.5.0 but
tags in https://github.com/xapi-project/xen-api are in the v1.9 range? I'm
a developer so I can read code (if I can find the right branch/tag/repo)
but I'm not familiar with ML. Hoping to get an understanding of what this
backtrace is pointing at. Deleting /var/xapi/state.db yields the same error:

Jan 27 00:10:20 xenserver xapi: [debug|xenserver|0 thread_zero|dbsync
(update_env) D:0ab204304e00|dbsync] Sync: sync_pci_devices
Jan 27 00:10:20 xenserver xapi: [debug|xenserver|0 thread_zero|dbsync
(update_env) D:0ab204304e00|dbsync] Sync: sync_gpus
Jan 27 00:10:21 xenserver xapi: [debug|xenserver|0 thread_zero|dbsync
(update_env) D:0ab204304e00|backtrace] Raised at scanf.ml:411.24-40 ->
pciops.ml:137.14-84 -> pciops.ml:146.17-40 -> threadext.ml:20.20-24 ->
threadext.ml:20.62-65 -> xapi_pgpu.ml:165.25-60 -> xapi_pgpu.ml:191.21-43
-> dbsync.ml:62.7-53 -> server_helpers.ml:76.11-23
Jan 27 00:10:21 xenserver xapi: [debug|xenserver|0 thread_zero|dbsync
(update_env) D:0ab204304e00|dispatcher] Server_helpers.exec
exception_handler: Got exception INTERNAL_ERROR: [
Scanf.Scan_failure("scanf: bad input at char number 6: ``looking for ':',
found '.'''") ]

Denis Babineau
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