On 27/11/14 11:39, George Dunlap wrote:
> I agree to the conditions in the XenProject Coverity contribution
> guidelines [1].
> I'm a developer working for Citrix Systems UK, Ltd.  I've been active
> in the Xen community since 2006; I was release coordinator for the 4.3
> and 4.4 releases, and I am currently maintainer of the Xen scheduling
> subsystem.
> I would like access primarily to be able to write and speak
> intelligently about Xen and Coverity in blog postings and conference
> talks.  I figure it would be easier to go through the stats and
> history myself, rather than trying to get some other developer to do
> it for me.  (Although of course once I have access I'll probably end
> up doing some work looking at scans anyway.)
> [1] http://xenproject.org/help/contribution-guidelines.html



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