Hi, all!

We are once again faced with the null-domains problem.
At this moment we have xen node with 49 null-domains and if I create new domain and shutdown it I w'll get a new one null-domain.

All blkback and netback kernel process are exists. There is no qemu process running.
I can't delete any vif or stop disk, which was used by dead domain.

How we can prevent appearance of null-domains?
How we can unlock resources of existing null-domains?

# xl info
host                   : xen23
release                : 3.10-3-amd64
version : #1 SMP Debian 3.10.55-1+0~20140927201537.42+wheezy~1.gbp4678fd (
machine                : x86_64
nr_cpus                : 16
max_cpu_id             : 23
nr_nodes               : 2
cores_per_socket       : 4
threads_per_core       : 2
cpu_mhz                : 2266
hw_caps : bfebfbff:28100800:00000000:00003b00:009ce3bd:00000000:00000001:00000000
virt_caps              : hvm
total_memory           : 131063
free_memory            : 124512
sharing_freed_memory   : 0
sharing_used_memory    : 0
outstanding_claims     : 0
free_cpus              : 0
xen_major              : 4
xen_minor              : 4
xen_extra              : .2-pre
xen_version            : 4.4.2-pre
xen_caps : xen-3.0-x86_64 xen-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_32 hvm-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_64
xen_scheduler          : credit
xen_pagesize           : 4096
platform_params        : virt_start=0xffff800000000000
xen_changeset          :
xen_commandline : tmem=1 loglvl=all noreboot dom0_mem=5120M dom0_vcpus_pin console=vga vga=current
cc_compiler            : gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2
xend_config_format     : 4

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