On 05/02/15 21:16, D'Mita Levy wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to compile a xen build that will simply print all the
> hypercalls as they come into the hypervisor. Specifically, I'm looking
> for the hypercall handler function so that I can insert a simple
> printk statement.

The logging rate will easily overwhelm your serial connection.  What is
the actual piece of information you are after?

> I'm having trouble because I can't find a doc that describes what most
> of the modules found in xen/arch/x86 and x86_64 do...am I right in
> thinking that the do_platform_op function in platform_hypercall.c
> serves as the entry point for all hypercalls?

do_platform_op() is the handler for __HYPERCALL_platform_op which is one
single hypercall.

The actual hypercall root handler is the 'hypercall' symbol in

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