>>> On 20.04.17 at 15:02, <lars.kurth....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 20 Apr 2017, at 10:43, Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 20.04.17 at 04:14, <yi.y....@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>>> On 17-04-19 03:00:29, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>>> On 19.04.17 at 10:22, <yi.y....@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 17-04-18 05:46:43, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 18.04.17 at 12:55, <yi.y....@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I made a test patch based on v10 and attached it in mail. Could you 
>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>> help to check it? Thanks!
>>>>>> This looks reasonable at the first glance, albeit I continue to be
>>>>>> unconvinced that this is the only (reasonable) way of solving the
>>> Do you have any other suggestion on this? Thanks!
>> I'm sorry, but no. I'm already spending _much_ more time on this
>> series than I should be, considering its (afaic) relatively low
>> priority. I really have to ask you to properly think through both
>> the data layout and code structure, including considering
>> alternatives especially in places where you can _anticipate_
>> controversy.
> Jan, can you confirm whether you are happy with the current proposal. You 
> say "this looks reasonable at the first glance", but then go on to say that 
> there may be other "reasonable ways" of solving the problem at hand.
> This is not very concrete and hard to respond to from a contributors point 
> of view: it would be good to establish whether a) the v10 proposal in this 
> area is good enough, b) whether there are any concrete improvements to be 
> made.

I understand it's not very concrete, but please understand that with
the over 100 patches wanting looking at right now it is simply
impossible for me to give precise suggestions everywhere. I really
have to be allowed to defer to the originator to come up with
possible better mechanisms (or defend what there is by addressing
questions raised), especially with - as said - the amount of time spent
here already having been way higher than is justifiable. Just go and
compare v10 with one of the initial versions: Almost all of the data
layout and code flow have fundamentally changed, mostly based on
feedback I gave. I'm sorry for saying that, but to me this is an
indication that things hadn't been thought through well in the design
phase, i.e. before even submitting a first RFC.

> You say please think through whether "you can _anticipate_ controversy", but 
> at the same time you can't currently identify/think of any issues. That seems 
> to suggest to me that maybe the proposal is good enough. Or that something is 
> missing, which has not been articulated. Taking into account language 
> barriers, more clarity would probably be helpful.

I've given criteria by which I have the gut feeling (but no more)
that this isn't the right approach. I'm absolutely fine to be
convinced that my gut feeling is wrong. That would require to
simply answer the question I raised multiple times, and which was
repeatedly "answered" by simply re-stating previously expressed

If this reaction of mine is not acceptable, all I can do is refrain
from further looking at this series. And Yi, I certainly apologize
for perhaps not doing these reviews wholeheartedly, since -
as also expressed before - I continue to not really view this as
very important functionality. Yet considering for how long some
of the versions hadn't been looked at by anyone at all, the
alternative would have been to simply let it sit further without
looking at it. I actually take this lack of interest by others as an
indication that I'm not the only one considering this nice to have,
but no more.


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