Hi Julien,

I'm back with profiler results.

>> Oh, yes. Sorry I forgot this thread. Continuing on that, you said that "Now
>> profiler shows that hypervisor spends time in spinlocks and p2m code."
>> Could you expand here? How the EL0 app will spend time in p2m code?
> I don't quite remember. It was somewhere around p2m save/restore
> context functions.
> I'll try to restore that setup and will provide more details.
So, there are top 5 functions:

p2m_restore_state - 10.6%
spin_lock - 8.4%
spin_unlock_irqrestore - 6%
ctxt_switch_to_partial - 5.7%
gicv2_hcr_status - 4.6%

per-source-file statistics:

spinlock.c - 22%
entry.S - 15%
arm/domain.c - 11.6%

WBR Volodymyr Babchuk aka lorc [+380976646013]
mailto: vlad.babc...@gmail.com

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