On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 12:03 AM, Simon Waterman
<watermansr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This patch series back-ports SASL authentication from
> upstream QEMU to the VNC server in qemu-xen-traditional.
> It enables authentication to the VNC console of a domain
> to be controlled using any SASL mechanism when using an
> IOEMU stubdom.
> SASL can be used with or without X509 certificates.
> The option is currently enabled during build by adding
> --enable-vnc-sasl to the configure line in xen-setup in the
> root of the QEMU tree.
> SASL auth can be enabled for a domain using the 'vnclisten'
> option in the Xen config file:
> vnclisten=",tls,x509verify=/etc/ssl,sasl"
> Details of how to configure SASL in QEMU can be found here:
> https://qemu.weilnetz.de/doc/qemu-doc.html#vnc_005fsec_005fsasl

Hmm, I don't think this counts as "small patch with simple changes",
but I'll let Ian comment.


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