On 11/03/15 05:32, Vijay Kilari wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
>     From Ian & Stefano, I came to know that you have introduced
> Migration framework v2
> under below patch series
> http://marc.info/?l=xen-devel&m=141036915311145
> I have few queries:
> 1) Is there any plans/timeline to support for ARM32/ARM64?.

I will not personally be doing any ARM migration support, not even as
part of getting migration v2 accepted upstream.

> 2) Also does the Domain Image format specification for ARM is complete?

The spec has certain sentinel values for ARM already where it made sense
to just include them while writing.

It has no specific thought to ARM migration, but an ARM virtual machine
is exactly like an x86 HVM domain (from the toolstacks point of view),
other than the Qemu record.  With any luck, no new additions to the spec
will be needed, but the spec is trivially extendible if required.


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