1. Designate vif model to 'e1000' by make-flight.
2. In L2 installation context, its host (L1) IP address is not queried
from DNS, but after running "ts-nested-setup + host + nested", L1 IP is
stored in runvar.

Signed-off-by: longtao.pang <longtaox.p...@intel.com>
Changes in v7:
1.set vif model as e1000 when make-flight
2.remove the changes about multi-reboot-time, since this is not code
issue but the network DNS setting not correct in my previous osstest
 Osstest/TestSupport.pm |    8 +++++++-
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Osstest/TestSupport.pm b/Osstest/TestSupport.pm
index a467713..10c229d 100644
--- a/Osstest/TestSupport.pm
+++ b/Osstest/TestSupport.pm
@@ -819,6 +819,10 @@ sub selecthost ($) {
        logm("Host $name is in HostGroup $ho->{Properties}{HostGroup}");
+    if ( $r{"${name}_ip"} ) {
+        $setprop->("IpAddr", $r{"${name}_ip"});
+    }
     # Next, we use the config file's general properites as defaults
     foreach my $k (keys %c) {
        next unless $k =~ m/^HostProp_([A-Z].*)$/;
@@ -1548,11 +1552,13 @@ sub prepareguest_part_xencfg ($$$$$) {
     my $oncrash= $xopts->{OnCrash} || 'preserve';
     my $vcpus= guest_var($gho, 'vcpus', $xopts->{DefVcpus} || 2);
     my $xoptcfg= $xopts->{ExtraConfig};
+    my $vif= guest_var($gho, 'vifmodel','');
+    my $vifmodel= $vif ? "model=$vif" : '';;
     $xoptcfg='' unless defined $xoptcfg;
     my $xencfg= <<END;
 name        = '$gho->{Name}'
 memory = ${ram_mb}
-vif         = [ 'type=ioemu,mac=$gho->{Ether}' ]
+vif         = [ 'type=ioemu,${vifmodel},mac=$gho->{Ether}' ]
 on_poweroff = '$onpoweroff'
 on_reboot   = '$onreboot'

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