On Mon, 2015-04-20 at 16:22 +0100, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 20/04/15 16:06, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
> > The current implementation of three memops, XENMEM_current_reservation,
> > XENMEM_maximum_reservation and XENMEM_maximum_gpfn return values as an
> > int. However, in ARM64 we could potentially have 36-bit pfn's, thus
> > in preparation for the ARM patch, in this patch we update the existing
> > memop routines to use a struct, xen_get_gpfn, to exchange the gpfn info
> > as a uin64_t.
> >
> > This patch also adds error checking on the toolside in case the memop
> > fails.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Tamas K Lengyel <tkleng...@sec.in.tum.de>
> XENMEM, unlikely domctls/sysctls is a guest-visible stable ABI/API.
> You cannot make adjustments like this, but you can add a brand new op
> with appropriate parameters and list the old ops as deprecated.

Right. For the benefit of callers using the old API it seems what we
usually do is rename the old op XENMEM_foo_compat and use the name with
a new number for the new functionality, then use a
__XEN_INTERFACE_VERSION__ to #define back to the old name.

The handling of __HYPERVISOR_sched_op in public/xen.h seems like a
reasonable example, I couldn't find one specifically for the memory ops.


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