On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 03:58:32PM +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:
> There is an issue in libxl_set_memory_target whereby the target and
> the max mem can get out of sync, this is because the call the
> xc_domain_setmaxmem is not tied in any way to the xenstore transaction
> which controls updates to the xenstore side of things.
> Consider a domain with 1M of RAM (==target and maxmem for the sake of
> argument) and two simultaneous calls to libxl_set_memory_target, both
> with relative=0 and enforce=1, one with target=3 and the other with
> target=5.
> target=5 call                   target=3 call
> transaction start
>                                 transaction start
> write target=5 to xenstore
>                                 write target=3 to xenstore
> setmaxmem(5)
>                                 setmaxmem(3)
> transaction commit = success
>                                 transaction commit = EAGAIN
> At this point maxmem=3 while target=5.
> In reality the target=3 case will the retry and eventually (hopefully)
> succeed with target=maxmem=3, however the bad state will persist for
> some window which is undesirable. On failure other than EAGAIN all
> bets are off anyway, but in that case we will likely stick in the bad
> state until someone else sets the memory).
> To fix this we slightly abuse the userdata lock which is used to
> protect updates to the domain's json configuration. Abused because
> maxmem is not actually stored in there, but is kept by Xen. However
> the lock protects some semantically similar things and is convenient
> to use here too.
> libxl_domain_setmaxmem also takes the lock, since it reads
> memory/target from xenstore before calling xc_domain_setmaxmem there
> is a small (but perhaps not very interesting) race there too.
> There is on more use of xc_domain_setmaxmem in libxl__build_pre.
> However taking a lock around this would be tricky since the xenstore
> parts are not done until libxl__build_post. I think this one could be
> argued to be OK since the domid is not "public" yet, that is it has
> not been returned to the application yet (as the result of the create
> operation). Toolstacks which go round fiddling with random domid's
> which they find lying on the floor should be taught to do better.
> Add a doc note that taking the userdata lock requires the CTX_LOCK to
> be held.
> Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campb...@citrix.com>
> ---
> This applies on top of Wei's revert of "libxl_set_memory_target:
> retain the same maxmem offset on top of the current target"
> I couldn't quite rule out some race (for transaction=EAGAIN, for
> !EAGAIN there are obvious ones) which resulted in the incorrect state
> being in place after both entities exit, but couldn't construct an
> actual case.

Not sure I follow. With this patch you lock out other contenders to
even start a transaction so the EAGAIN vs !EAGAIN should be moot. You
can safely rollback in !EAGAIN case, right?


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