Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH RFC 1/9] libxl idl: add comments 
to error enum"):
> On Wed, 2015-06-24 at 14:47 +0100, Rob Hoes wrote:
> >  libxl_error = Enumeration("error", [
> > +    # Generic failure; code should be avoided (often seen as "rc = -1")
> >      (-1, "NONSPECIFIC"),
> I wonder if we should extend the Enumeration IDL support to have an
> optional 3rd field (or a named param) containing a textual description,
> which could then be used to autogenerate an analogue of sterrror(3) for
> enums which include such things?

That might be helpful, but we need significantly longer and more
discursive descriptions too.


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