On Mon, 2015-07-06 at 11:30 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [ovmf test] 59044: trouble: 
> blocked/broken/fail/pass"):
> > Seems to be Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm line 137:
> >         die Dumper($ho)." ?" if $ho->{SharedOthers} && !
> >         $ho->{SharedReady};
> > So another sharing related glitch, like the linux-3.18 flight 59041 I
> > just pointedy ou at (which was on armhf though).
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> This has the same root cause as the other mystery failure.
> I hadn't appreciated that the checks in the host sharing machinery
> would mean that if a job allocates a share in a host, later steps in
> that job will fail if (in a subroutine of `selecthost') if they are
> run using a different version of osstest.  Having had the chance to
> think about it, I think this is probably for the best.

I agree.

> It does mean that in-place updates like I did will have a tendency to
> break ongoing builds.

They are a pretty rare event, and I suppose having realised this aspect
they might become rarer still..


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