(breaking this thread away from the hijacked emulation cleanup and fixes

On 09/07/15 20:32, Zhi Wang wrote:
> Hi Gurus:
>     We found that MOVD instruction are used by some windows driver
> during developing XenGT, and also we found this one:
> (XEN) MMIO emulation failed: d7v1 64bit @ 0010:fffff8000294e273 -> 66
> 0f e7 00 48 83 c0 10 45 3
> b cb 73 f0 45 85 c9 

   0:    66 0f e7 00              movntdq %xmm0,(%rax)
   4:    48 83 c0 10              add    $0x10,%rax
   8:    45 3b cb                 cmp    %r11d,%r9d
   b:    73 f0                    jae    0xfffffffffffffffd
   d:    45 85 c9                 test   %r9d,%r9d

The x86 instruction emulator does appear to have a decode for this
instruction.  This failure suggests that the implementation is buggy.

To start with diagnosing, add a test case to

Then, you will want to investigate the implementation in
xen/arch/x86/x86_emulate/x86_emulate.c around line 4245.


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