* On hvmloader side, there three patches now:
   patch #5 is reviewed by George and Acked by Jan;
   patch #6 is reviewed just for code implementation but that solution can't
convince all maintainers. Honestly, this is a rare possibility of collision
in real world and the original pci allocation is not good so its hard to
reshape the original mechanism in one week. But actually we also have some
other solutions but we need a little time to figure out how to step forward
but I just think any solution wouldn't bring any change to other stuffs.
   patch #7 is pretty close to be Acked.

So what's your final determination?

If you and maintainers can work out a solution for hvmloader bits today
then yes, otherwise no.

Based on my understanding, we already have some solutions but we need some time to put one into practice. I think its possible to work out this next week. As you see other stuffs are almost closed so we can put our all effort just on this bit.


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