On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> B "1(c)(maintainer)/2(a)/3(a)"
>   Branch.
>   Maintainers may choose to defer patch series based on risk of
>   conflicts with bugfixes required for 4.6.  Clear communication with
>   submitters is required.
>   Bugfixes for bugs in 4.6 will be accepted onto the 4.6 branch.
>   Maintainers are required to cherry pick them onto unstable.
>   Bugfixes will not be accepted for unstable unless it is clear that
>   the bug was introduced in unstable since 4.6 branched.
> I am happy with B because it gives the relevant maintainers the
> option.

Did we ever come to a conclusion on this?

FWIW I think Ian's proposal B here is the most sensible: the
maintainer evaluates each patch for how much work it will create them,
and decides whether they want to accept that work or not.


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