>>> On 10.09.15 at 12:10, <wei.w.w...@intel.com> wrote:
> Ok. If we add this "enum meaning_of_data", the xen_get_cpufreq_para will 
> exceed 128Byte, which cannot even pass the compilation. I am not sure how to 
> deal with this nicely. Do you have a suggestion? 

Currently afaict the structure occupies 14 8-byte slots, with two
unused 32-bit padding fields. Are you saying that the additions
you need to make don't fit in two 8-byte plus two 4-byte slots?
And if so, the first thing to recover space from would be
"turbo_enabled", which iirc is a boolean and hence one bit would
suffice to represent it. 31 bits then would surely be enough to
store your (two value) enum into?


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