On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Dario Faggioli
<dario.faggi...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-09-18 at 00:27 -0600, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> > George Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com> 09/17/15 4:30 PM >>>The
>> > > > vcpu_block()
>>  >set(_VPF_blocked)
>>  >v->arch.block()
>>   >- Add v to pcpu.pi_blocked_vcpu
>>   >- NV => pi_wakeup_vector
>>  >local_events_need_delivery()
>>    >hvm_vcpu_has_pending_irq()
>> >
>>  >...
>>  >context_switch(): nothing
>> >
>> > The other is to do the "blocking" stuff in the context switch
>> > (similar
>> > to what's done now):
>> >
>> > vcpu_block()
>>   >set(_VPF_blocked)
>>   >local_events_need_delivery()
>>     >hvm_vcpu_has_pending_irq()
>>   >...
>> > context_switch
>>    >v->arch.block()
>>     >- Add v to pcpu.pi_blocked_vcpu
>>     >- NV => pi_wakeup_vector
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >
>> > > > thing I like about the first one is that it makes PI blocking
>> > > > the
>> > same as normal blocking -- everything happens in the same place; so
>> > the
>> > code is cleaner and easier to understand.
>> >
>> > The thing I like about the second one is that it cleverly avoids
>> > having
>> > to do all the work of adding the vcpu to the list and then
>> > searching to
>> > remove it if the vcpu in question gets woken up on the way to being
>> > blocked.  So the code may end up being faster for workloads where
>> > that
>> > happens frequently.
>>  But wouldn't such an optimization argument apply to some/all other
>> blocking ways too? I.e. shouldn't, if we were to go that route, other
>> early wakeups get treated equally?
> Good point, actually.
> However, with "regular blockings" this would probably be less of an
> optimization.
> In fact, in PI case, George's solution 2 is, potentially, avoiding
> having to switch the descriptor and manipulating the list of blocked
> vcpus.
> In regular blockings there are no such things. We may be able to avoid
> a context switch, but that also depends, AFAICT, on when the interrupt
> exactly happens and/or is notified (i.e., before the call to schedule()
> as opposed to after that and before the actual __context_switch()). I'm
> not saying this wouldn't be better, but it's certainly optimizing less
> than in the PI case.
>> Unless that's wrong thinking of mine
>> or being implemented that way, I'd clearly favor option 1 for
>> consistency
>> reasons.
> As said, me too. Perhaps we can go for option 1, which is simpler,
> cleaner and more consistent, considering the current status of the
> code. We can always investigate, in future, whether and how to
> implement the optimization for all the blockings, if beneficial and fea
> sible, or have them diverge, if deemed worthwhile.

Sounds like a plan.


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