On Fri, 16 Oct 2015, Lars Kurth wrote:
>  * <u>Blocking Votes</u>
>    We had several cases, where a voter wanted to express disagreement with a
>    proposal, but did not want to block a vote. I wanted to suggest an
>    approach that we used very successfully in Event Program Management
>    Committees.
>    It is based on splitting -1 into
>     -1 : disagree, but don’t care enough to argue against it
>     -2 : disagree, but feel strongly enough to argue against it
>    and +1 into
>     +1: agree, but don’t care enough to argue for it
>     +2: agree, but care strongly enough to argue for it
>    Note that the -2, ... +2 is merely a shorthand and is not intended for
>    counting and could be replaced by some other shorthand.
> Q3.2: Do you think such a proposal makes sense and is workable?
> | 11 / 12 Agree
> | 0 / 12 Disagree
> | 1 / 12 Don't know or have no opinion


> ! = Summary =
> !
> ! There seems to be a clear consensus against the current veto model. From
> ! the comments there was no clear case for a simple majority, but for a higher
> ! bar of consensus (2/3, 75% or <20% objections) depending on the size
> ! of the group.
> !
> ! So I suppose again, I will let this run for a bit and then get some
> ! feedback to be incorporated into a proposal.

This seems to be a good place to start to make changes based on the
results from the survey.

Everybody seems to agree on changing the voting model from consensus to
some kind of majority vote among committers. I agree with Lars: we
should gather a few proposals then call a vote to see which one is the
best for us.

I think we should avoid counting abstentions and blank votes, only
positive and negative votes by committers count, and go with a simple

What do you think?
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