+1... so many great points here that ive thought many times its almost as
if i could have written it

great post!


On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Joanna Rutkowska <
joa...@invisiblethingslab.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> Recently Xen has released the XSA-148 advisory [1] addressing a fatal bug
> in the
> hypervisor. The bug has been lurking there for the last 7 years! We, the
> Qubes
> OS Project, have commented on this in our Security Bulletin #22 [2]. And
> far
> from enthusiastic commentary that was (FWIW, it was me who wrote this QSB,
> as
> evidenced in the commits log, in case some from the Xen community would
> like to
> direct their rage towards a particular human being ;) Ian Jackson then
> wrote a
> response on the Xen blog [3]. I was then asked to share some more thoughts
> about
> how I thought Xen could actually improve its security process [4]. So, I
> share
> some these below:
> 1. First of all, I wish Xen was somehow more defensively coded. To provide
> some
> examples:
> a. In XSA-109 [5] there was a problem with the hypervisor dereferencing a
> pointer. The problem was fixed by the Xen Security Team by applying a patch
> which (hopefully) made sure the execution path that lead to this NULL
> pointer
> dereferencing code was never taken. Back then I suggested (on the Xen
> pre-disclosure list) to make this patch more explicit though:
> > On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 02:31:51PM +0100, Joanna Rutkowska wrote:
> > (...)
> >>
> >> Wouldn't it be prudent to also check if:
> >>
> >> (v->arch.paging.mode>{write_guest_entry,cmpxchg_guest_entry} != NULL)
> >>
> >> ... in the two affected functions, just before derefing these function
> >> pointers?
> >>
> >> Going even a step further: how about replacing all
> >> function-pointer-based calls with macros that first validates the
> >> pointer before derefing it? At least when the system doesn't have SMEP?
> >>
> ...to which I got a reply from one of the Xen Security Team engineers that
> the
> above might perhaps be justified in debug builds only, followed by a
> standard:
> "feel free to contribute a patch".
> b. The XSA-123 [6] was another critical security bug in Xen, this time
> resulting
> from one of the hypervisor developer's fetish to use an absolutely
> confusing
> construct in order to save a few modest bytes in a structure which might
> have
> been allocated by the system maybe a few tens of times at best. Even more
> worrying was the way how Xen Security Team decided to fix the bug: again by
> modifying some condition in the code further up the execution path, with
> the
> hopes that this time they would ensure this puzzling construct would
> always be
> used properly. We wrote more about this in our QSB #18 [7].
> c. Finally, the way how Xen fixed the recent XSA-148 looks also very
> reactive,
> IMHO. With a bug of this calibre, I would expect Xen to carefully review
> and
> augment all its PV memory virtualization code with additional checks
> (ASSERTs),
> ensuring certain invariants are always satisfied. Such as e.g. that none
> of the
> pages containing PDEs or PTEs are becoming writeable by the VM.
> I can't help but have a feeling that some of the Xen developers seem to be
> overconfident in their belief they can fully understand all the possible
> execution paths in their code. Well, the XSAs quoted above are an
> indisputable
> prove that this is not quite always the case. Realizing that, each
> developer by
> themselves, might be a great step towards a more secure hypervisor...
> 2. Another security-related aspect of the Xen project is how it totally
> ignores
> problems related to the build process security. Those who don't believe me
> should grep the sources for wget, which is now disguised as "FETCHER" shell
> variable... (so grep for "FETCHER" string)
> I feel embarrassed that I need to explain, at the end of 2015, why the
> build
> process of any serious software project should not blindly download
> unsigned
> components (sources) from the Internet, especially if it is about to
> execute
> Makefiles from these components a moment later... Come on, guys!
> (Of course we have been forced to get around this gapping security whole in
> Qubes OS [8] ourselves, sadly with a method that is not well suited for
> upstreaming).
> 3. Another thing is, of course: stop adding features to the core
> hypervisor. We
> really need Xen to finally mature, stabilize, and for its development
> process to
> be slowing down over time (just the bug fixes). We need a
> long-term-supported
> hypervisor, which doesn't change with subsonic speed. This would allow
> this core
> code to be widely audited by many experts. If some users want features,
> these
> should perhaps be maintained as additional modules (no, I don't mean
> dynamically
> loaded modules, just compile-time included), preferably in separate repos.
> Perhaps also to move all the non-hypervisor code, such as all the
> toolstacks,
> stubdom, etc, into separate repos also. For hygiene, if for nothing else.
> Admittedly, some of the features are a result of hardware evolution, such
> as
> e.g. UEFI support. But many are not. Again, maintaining these as optional
> code
> (in separate repos) would be a great step into getting the hypervisor
> maturing,
> finally.
> I have already written about it years ago [9], as a matter of fact.
> 4. Finally, I've been really surprised by the line of reasoning Ian
> expressed in
> the above-mentioned blog post. TL;DR: "we're still doing pretty great,
> compared
> to other projects, because: 1) we have smaller number of publicly disclosed
> bugs, and 2) we actually publicly disclose these bugs which we are aware
> of".
> The attitude presented in the blog post is so wrong, that I'm not even sure
> where to start commenting on this...
> With a single bug like the XSA-148 which, let me repeat that one more
> time: had
> been present in the hypervisor for the last 7 years, so with a bug like
> this it
> really doesn't matter how many (i.e. what number) of critical bugs does the
> competition have. Because only one bug of this calibre is enough for the
> attacker to never really bother to find another one. The mere fact that
> competing hypervisors might got 12 bugs during the same period, really
> doesn't
> make Xen look any better, sorry.
> Also, there is really nothing to be proud that you disclose the bugs. It
> would
> be a problem if you didn't.
> Hope the above comments might help improve the Xen security. Perhaps some
> would
> perceive them as arrogant or rude. Too bad. Remember the actual attackers
> will
> not be arrogant or rude -- they will just come and exploit bugs, silently.
> Admittedly this might not hurt some of the developers ego, not in the
> short time
> at least.
> Can we, the Qubes OS project, or myself personally, help with implementing
> the
> above suggestions? Sadly, no. While some of us do contribute occasional
> patches
> to Xen (specifically Marek Marczykowski-Górecki), we really work for a
> different
> project and have different tasks and responsibilities.
> Regards,
> joanna.
> [1] http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-148.html
> [2]
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-secpack/blob/master/QSBs/qsb-022-2015.txt
> [3] https://blog.xenproject.org/2015/10/30/security-vs-features/
> [4] https://twitter.com/xen_org/status/660151720463482880
> [5] http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-109.html
> [6] http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-123.html
> [7]
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-secpack/blob/master/QSBs/qsb-018-2015.txt
> [8]
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-vmm-xen/commit/dcd6c0a4f2c6226a9b706e62469d420579c86975
> [9] http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2013-09/msg01815.html
> n/xIfRPRnPRy18Tbx6EnrKzgohtVvtigtmd/FIxjYVuZ3Luw2B4RFSqUENg758Aa
> ANLs4kUD+yaUO82Jfg1nq/6PXBNZlKFovQuYV20LEW9JV6DvMCbzYJ2evZ6t0XS/
> EAhUOP1OqY4vb0kah4dwhQKepqwPcD5Tm5LLZn/qbO30e2zN9MkKB851vguQtVIz
> k5I8pv+MSQp1efRG2eg470onGtU36IIYFsY1OLihJA9MYh+74FpIA1xoURenJg6+
> NJhXEDnxxlz78BJaGOiSwHwB59yd2DXDJKAaUNV/H1LqQu3o1ED+8IZWUARkc0Wl
> ckTfQz/++exDhyRcWVHF5GnxEHWdyu/gNZOCNjl4o4HiYS4SQrhTRn7rWwalbyBB
> /jG3bAnU8m/Gtp95FtuWXCwuKeeOeBSfnxKMrksxu3JFSNevsYPZu5lrdtUEGLZA
> 97SwLj70GLesvMqEV3k7XmrQyt8LwyBzLCm+cCocaPEmOQAymeuslrs/RehjGSCQ
> L34Ipjvg85GoND64N8X56NuvD+/LrteRhp8hS+aEWv2YpNVJB9tmcOTzLzf7faPK
> KPyqa2lW7XKwm7n0WCbtPnrVHRbFPbKvkJRDnfPDwEAEiZcj0SjJ8h7fIDSQ4qac
> vgYBTJr/2cRrtC4y1An5
> =zQmw
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