Ian Campbell writes ("[PATCH RFC OSSTEST v1 05/12] make-*flight: Abolish 
$defsuite and $guestdefsuite"):
> Instead have mfi-common set $suite or $guestsuite if it is unset. When
> doing so move the use of local to this point, using local at the top
> of the function would shadow any attempt to set a global value, while
> restricting it only to when setting the default means it doesn't leak.
> NB "local" scopes the variable to the containing function, not the
> scope of the block where it is written (i.e. the if body in this
> case).

I'm not really sure this approach is right.

If we were to decide that some of the tests resulting from
test_matrix_iterate ought to have different suite values, we would
have to (re)introduce a layer of indirection.

Perhaps it would be better to retain defsuite and defguestsuite;
move the copy from those to suite and guestsuite closer to use site;
and unconditionally set the runvar ?


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