>>> On 2/3/2016 at 10:33 PM, in message <56b20fcc.3010...@citrix.com>, George
Dunlap <george.dun...@citrix.com> wrote: 
> On 02/02/16 18:11, Ian Jackson wrote: 
> > George Dunlap writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH V13 3/5] libxl: add pvusb  
> API"): 
> >> There are effectively four states a device can be in, from the 
> >> 'assignment' point of view: 
> >> 
> >> 1. Assigned to the normal Linux device driver(s) for the USB device 
> >> 
> >> 2. Assigned to no driver 
> >> 
> >> 3. Assigned to usbback, but not yet assigned to any guest 
> >> 
> >> 4. Assigned to a guest 
> >  
> > Thanks for your clear explanation (of which I will snip much). 
> >  
> >> Additionally, each USB "device" has one or more "interfaces".  To 
> >> assign a "device" to usbback in the sysfs case means assigning all of 
> >> the "interfaces".  The code seems to assume that different interfaces 
> >> from the same device can be assigned to different drivers. 
> >  
> > It is indeed the case that in principle a single USB device with 
> > multiple interfaces can be assigned to multiple different drivers. 
> >  
> >> Regarding Ian's comments: 
> >> 
> >> Since "assigned to the guest" and "listed under the pvusb xenstore 
> >> node" are the same thing, is it even *possible* to (safely) unassign 
> >> the device from usbback before removing the xenstore nodes? 
> >  
> > It might be possible to remove some of the xenstore nodes but leave 
> > others present, so that usbback detaches, but enough information 
> > remains for libxl to know that Xen still `owns' the device. 
> >  
> > But, surely usbback needs to cope with the notion that the device 
> > might disappear.  USB devices can disappear at any time. 
> That's true. But if the USB device has actually disappeared, the device 
> is in fact "safe" from usbback.  I think I might consider state 2 safe 
> to go to, but I definitely wouldn't consider state 1 safe with the 
> xenstore nodes still in place. 
> >  
> >> It's not clear to me under what conditions 3->2 might fail, 
> >  
> > As an example, someone might press ^C on `xl usb-detach'. 
> *grumble* 
> >> or what could be done about it if it did fail. 
> >  
> > The most obvious reason for it failing is that something somewhere 
> > still held onto the device.  (For umounting filesystems, and detaching 
> > block devices, this happens a lot.)  So if the detach from usbback 
> > fails would probably be possible to simply retry it. 
> I'm not sure what this means in the context of moving from 3 (assigned 
> to usbback) to 2 (unassigned).  usbback will definitely not use the 
> device to mount something in dom0; and I'm pretty sure has no visibility 
> as to whether it's being used as a filesystem in the domU. 
> (Moving from 1 -> 2 of course would be subject to this sort of thing, 
> but that's a different issue.) 
> >> Regarding 2->1, again it's not clear that there's anything libxl can 
> >> do.  Reloading the driver's module might reset it enough to pick up 
> >> the (now unassigned) USB devices again; other than that, rebooting is 
> >> probably the best option. 
> >  
> > I think re-attempting the bind may work.  USB devices can be flaky. 
> >  
> >> It's also not clear to me, if some functions succeed in being 
> >> reassigned and others fail, whether it's best to just try to assign as 
> >> many as we can, or better to go back and un-assign all the ones that 
> >> succeeded. 
> >  
> > Unless explicitly requested, I don't think the system should create 
> > situations some interfaces are assigned to host drivers and some to 
> > usbback. 
> I was talking here about whether it would be better to have some 
> interfaces assigned to the original drivers and some interfaces left 
> unassigned, or to try to leave all interfaces unassigned if any of the 
> assignments fail. 
> I agree, it would be better to try to avoid the possibility of having 
> some interfaces bound to usbback and some interfaces bound to the 
> original drivers. 
> > And, I'm a fan of `crash-only software': in general, if a failure 
> > occurs, the situation should just be left as-is.  The intermediate 
> > state needs to be visible and rectifiable. 
> >  
> > This approach to software state machines avoids bugs where the system 
> > gets into `impossible' states, recovery from which is impossible 
> > because the designers didn't anticipate them. 
> >  
> > It would be tolerable if the recovery sometimes involves `lsusb' and 
> > echoing things into sysfs, but it would be better if not. 
> Right -- so what about this.  When removing a USB device: 
> * First modify the pvusb xenstore nodes such that 1) it's safe to 
> attempt removing the interfaces from usbback, but 2) they still show up 
> in usb-list.  (This may be a noop.) 
> * Attempt to remove all interfaces from usbback; if any of these fail, 
> stop and report an error.  Possible recovery options: 
>  - Re-try the usb_remove command 
>  - Re-load usbback (obviously disruptive to other VMs) 
>  - Reboot the host 
>  - Manually try unbinding with sysfs 
> * Remove the remaining pvusb xenstore nodes.  If this fails, stop and 
> report the error.  Possible recovery options: 
>  - Re-try the usb_remove command 
> = REBIND OPTION 1: Do the best we can without extra commands 
> * Attempt to re-bind the interfaces to the original drivers, as recorded 
> in the libxl usb xenstore nodes.  If any of these fail, report an error 
> but continue to try the rest of the interfaces, and remove the xenstore 
> nodes containing information about the original drivers.  Possible 
> recovery options for the user: 
>  - Reload the original drivers 
>  - Reboot the host 
>  - Manually try rebinding with sysfs 
> = REBIND OPTION 2: Include a recovery command, usb-retry-rebind 
> * Attempt to re-bind the interfaces to the original drivers, as recorded 
> in the libxl usb xenstore nodes.  If any of these fail, stop immediately 
> and report an error; do not remove the xenstore nodes containing the 
> original drivers of any interfaces that failed to rebind.  Possible 
> recovery options for the user: 
>  - Run 'xl usbdev-retry-rebind', which will just execute this step again 
>  - Unload and reload original host drivers 
>  - Reboot the host 
> Both of these: 
> 1. Will avoid the state of some interfaces bound to usbback, some 
> rebound to the original drivers 
> 2. Give the user a convenient way to re-try unbinding from usbback it failed 
> 3. Give the user out-of-xl ways to attempt to recover the state other 
> than messing around with sysfs. 
> Rebind option 2 will give the user a convenient way to retry rebinding 
> to the original driver via xl if that step failed. 
> I'm inclined to suggest rebind option #1 for now, just to keep things 
> simple. 
> Thoughts? 
> Chunyan, would the first half of that (removing from usbback before 
> removing the pvusb xenstore nodes) actually work? 

>From testing, yes, it works. But I am not sure if it is safe though. Juergen
should be very clear about that according to usbback internal codes.

Juergen, could you help to confirm that?


>  -George 

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