> -----Original Message-----
> > > >
> > > > I'm afraid I have made little progress due to the distractions of trying
> get
> > > > some patches into Linux but my thoughts are around replacing the
> > > > HVM_mmio_write_dm with something like HVM_emulate_0 (i.e. the
> zero-
> > > th example
> > > > of a type that requires emulation, to be followed by others in future)
> and
> > > > then add a hypercall along the lines of
> > > HVMOP_map_mem_type_to_ioreq_server
> > > > which will take an ioerq server id, a type and flags saying whether it
> wishes
> > > > to handle reads and/or writes to that type.
> > > >
> > > > Thoughts (anyone)?
> > >
> > > I think as a general idea also allowing reads to be intercepted is
> > > nice, but would incur quite a few changes which we don't currently
> > > have a user for. Hence I'd suggest making the public interface
> > > ready for that without actually implementing hypervisor support.
> > >
> >
> > Well, we need some form a hypervisor support to replace what's already
> there.
> >
> > I'd envisaged that setting HVM_emulate_0 type on a page would mean
> nothing until an
> for "mean nothing" what is the default policy then if guest happens to access
> it
> before any ioreq server claims it?

My thoughts were that, since no specific emulation has yet been requested 
(because no ioreq server has yet claimed it) that the default policy is to 
treat it as r/w RAM as I said below. This is because I think the only legal 
type transitions should be from HVMMEM_ram_rw to HVMMEM_emulate_0 and back 

> > ioreq server claims it (i.e. it stays as r/w RAM) but when the ioreq server
> makes the claim
> > the EPT is changed according to whether reads and/or writes are wanted
> and then the fault
> > handler steers transactions to the (single at the moment) ioreq server. I'll
> need to code up
> > a PoC to make sure I'm not barking up the wrong tree though.
> >
> Curious any reason why we must have a HVM_emulate_0 placeholder
> first and why we can't allow ioreq server to claim on any existing type?

Which type were you thinking of? Remember that the ioreq server would be 
claiming *all* pages of that type.

> Thinking about XenGT usage, I cannot envisage when a page should
> be set to HVM_emulate_0 first. The write-protection operation is dynamic
> according to guest page table operations, upon which we'll directly jump
> to claim phase...

I don't imagine that things would happen that way round in the common case. For 
XenGT I'd expect the ioreq server to immediately claim HVMMEM_emulate_0 and 
then set that type on any page that it wants to trap accesses on (which means 
I am assuming that the same emulation - i.e. write accesses only - is desired 
for all pages... but I think that is indeed the case).

> btw does this design consider the case where multiple ioreq servers
> may claim on same page?

Yes it does and there are currently insufficient page types to allow any more 
than a single ioreq server to claim a type. My plan is that, in future, we can 
add a p2t mapping table to allow for more types and then introduce 
HVMMEM_ioreq_1, HVMMEM_ioreq_2, etc.

> For example, different usages may both
> want to capture write requests on the same set of pages (say XenGT
> selectively write-protects a subset of pages due to shadow GTT, while
> another agent wants to monitor all guest writes to any guest memory
> page).

Monitoring is a different thing altogether. Emulation is costly and not 
something you'd want to use for that purpose. If you want to monitor writes 
then log-dirty already exists for that purpose.

> Thanks
> Kevin

I hope my explanation helped. I think things will be clearer once I've had 
chance to actually put together a design doc. and hack up a PoC (probably only 
for EPT at first).


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