Hi, Malcolm,

Not sure whether I missed your reply or not, but failed to find it in my
archive. Could you help re-post if you already did so? Sorry that my
comments might be a bit late which didn't catch previous draft discussions,
but some of below questions are really important to help us understand
how this new interface works with XenGT...


> From: Tian, Kevin
> Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:21 PM
> > From: Malcolm Crossley [mailto:malcolm.cross...@citrix.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 6:09 PM
> As Konrad commented, it's better to add this doc as 1st patch in your series
> then it's easier to review it with other patches together. Also it's always
> good to include such design doc in the repo.
> Other comments embedded.
> [...]
> >
> > Clarification of GFN and BFN fields for different guest types
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> [...]
> > Bus Frame Numbers (BFN) refer to the address presented on the physical bus
> > before being translated by the IOMMU.
> >
> > Diagram below details memory accesses originating from physical device.
> >
> >     Physical Device
> >           |
> >         (BFN)
> >           |
> >        IOMMU-PT
> >           |
> >         (MFN)
> >           |
> >          RAM
> Curious what IOMMU-'PT' means here?
> [...]
> > General principles for PV IOMMU interface
> > =========================================
> >
> > There are two different usage models for the BFN address space of a calling
> > guest based upon the two purposes specified in the section above.
> >
> > A calling guest may use their BFN address space for only one of the purposes
> > detailed above and so the PV IOMMU interface has a subop per usage model.
> > Furthermore, the IOMMU mapping of foreign domains memory is more complex 
> > than
> > IOMMU mapping local domain memory and seperating the subops allows for the
> > complexity to be split in the implementation.
> >
> > The PV IOMMU design allows the calling domain to control it's BFN memory 
> > map.
> > Thus the design also assigns the responsiblity of ensuring a BFN address
> > mapped for local domain memory mappings are not reused for foreign domain
> > memory mappings without an explict unmap of BFN address first. This 
> > simplifies
> > the usage of the API and the extra overhead for the calling domains should 
> > be
> > minimal as they should be already tracking the BFN address space usage 
> > already.
> It might be clearer if you can add a separate section for BFN itself, i.e.
> how it is managed/allocated in different scenarios. I know most info is
> already provided in this text, but not centralized so far. :-)
> >
> >
> > Emulator usage of PV IOMMU interface
> > ====================================
> I'd suggest moving this and later sections to behind basic API introduction.
> Otherwise insufficient background on so many API references at this point.
> >
> > Emulators which require bus address mapping of guest RAM must first 
> > determine if
> > it's possible for the domain to control the bus addresses themselves.
> >
> > A IOMMUOP_query_caps subop will return the IOMMU_QUERY_map_cap flag. If this
> > flag is set then the emulator may specify the BFN address it wishes guest 
> > RAM to
> > be mapped to via the IOMMUOP_map_foreign_page subop.  If the flag is not set
> > then the emulator must use BFN addresses supplied by the Xen via the
> > IOMMUOP_lookup_foreign_page.
> IOMMU_QUERY_map_cap is a bit confusing here. Above paragraph is about
> whether emulator is allowed to allocate/specify BFN itself. However this
> capability name is more read as whether the calling domain can map foreign
> pages which is actually true regardless of how BFN is allocated.
> >
> > Operating systems which use the IOMMUOP_map_page subop are expected to 
> > provide
> a
> > common interface for emulators to use. Otherwise emulators will not be aware
> > of existing BFN mappings created by operating system and will get failed
> > subops due to conflicts in the BFN address space for the domain.
> Do you mean that emulator needs to detect whether OS is using
> IOMMUOP_map_page? If yes, then emulator calls a common interface
> provided by OS. If not, then emulator just directly invoke raw IOMMUOP
> itself. I'm not certain whether there is common mechanism to detect
> this so far. Could you elaborate your thought here?
> >
> > Emulators should unmap unused GFN mappings as often as possible using
> > IOMMUOP_unmap_foreign_page subops so that guest domains can balloon pages
> > quickly and efficiently.
> Following earlier analysis then this only applies when OS doesn't use IOMMUOP.
> Otherwise emulator needs call a 'OS common interface' right?
> >
> > Emulators should conform to the ballooning behaviour described section
> > "IOMMUOP_*_foreign_page interactions with guest domain ballooning" so that 
> > guest
> > domains are able to effectively balloon out and in memory.
> >
> > Emulators must unmap any active BFN mappings when they shutdown.
> >
> > IOMMUOP_*_foreign_page interactions with guest domain ballooning
> >
> =====================================================
> > ===========
> >
> > Guest domains can balloon out a set of GFN mappings at any time and render 
> > the
> > BFN to GFN mapping invalid.
> >
> > When a BFN to GFN mapping becomes invalid, Xen will issue a buffered I/O 
> > request
> > of type IOREQ_TYPE_INVALIDATE to the affected IOREQ servers with the now 
> > invalid
> > BFN address in the data field. If the buffered I/O request ring is full 
> > then a
> > standard (synchronous) I/O request of type IOREQ_TYPE_INVALIDATE will be 
> > issued
> > to the affected IOREQ server the with just invalidated BFN address in the 
> > data
> > field.
> >
> > The BFN mappings cannot be simply unmapped at the point of the balloon 
> > hypercall
> > otherwise a malicious guest could specifically balloon out an in use GFN 
> > address
> > in use by an emulator and trigger IOMMU faults for the domains with BFN
> > mappings.
> Is it a real problem? Today for PCI passthru, what will happen if guest 
> programs
> assigned device with a bad GPA which is not mapped in IOMMU? I think IOMMU
> fault should be fine, and we can just leverage existing IOMMU fault handling 
> after
> the fault is triggered.
> >
> > For hosts with no IOMMU support: The affected emulator(s) must specifically
> > issue a IOMMUOP_unmap_foreign_page subop for the now invalid BFN address so 
> > that
> > the references to the underlying MFN are removed and the MFN can be freed 
> > back
> > to the Xen memory allocator.
> >
> > For hosts with IOMMU support:
> > If the BFN was mapped without the IOMMUOP_swap_mfn flag set in the
> > IOMMUOP_map_foreign_page then the affected affected emulator(s) must
> > specifically issue a IOMMUOP_unmap_foreign_page subop for the now invalid 
> > BFN
> > address so that the references to the underlying MFN are removed.
> >
> > If the BFN was mapped with the IOMMUOP_swap_mfn flag set in the
> > IOMMUOP_map_foreign_page subop for all emulators with mappings of that GFN 
> > then
> > the BFN mapping will be swapped to point at a scratch MFN page and all BFN
> > references to the invalid MFN will be removed by Xen after the BFN mapping 
> > has
> > been updated to point at the scratch MFN page.
> I don't understand why for 'swap' case you don't need emulator to do
> explicit unmap. You can think 'noswap' (page-A to invalid) as a special
> example of 'swap' (page-A to scratch page), since they both move
> away from page-A reference. If there is a reason that emulator needs
> to do some cleanup internally before dropping the reference, does
> 'swap_mfn' breaks that situation then?
> >
> > The rationale for swapping the BFN mapping to point at scratch pages is to
> > enable guest domains to balloon quickly without requiring hypercall(s) from
> > emulators.
> >
> > Not all BFN mappings can be swapped without potentially causing problems 
> > for the
> > hardware itself (command rings etc.) so the IOMMUOP_swap_mfn flag is used to
> > allow per BFN control of Xen ballooning behaviour.
> Who will judge whether a BFN mapping can be swapped then?
> [...]
> > Xen PV IOMMU hypercall interface
> > --------------------------------
> > A two argument hypercall interface (do_iommu_op).
> >
> >     ret_t do_iommu_op(XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(void) arg, unsigned int count)
> >
> > First argument, guest handle pointer to array of `struct pv_iommu_op`
> >
> > Second argument, unsigned integer count of `struct pv_iommu_op` elements in 
> > array.
> >
> > Definition of `struct pv_iommu_op`:
> >
> >     struct pv_iommu_op {
> >
> >         uint16_t subop_id;
> >         uint16_t flags;
> >         int32_t status;
> >
> >         union {
> >             struct {
> >                 uint64_t bfn;
> >                 uint64_t gfn;
> >             } map_page;
> >
> >             struct {
> >                 uint64_t bfn;
> >             } unmap_page;
> >
> >             struct {
> >                 uint64_t bfn;
> >                 uint64_t gfn;
> >                 uint16_t domid;
> >                 ioservid_t ioserver;
> >             } map_foreign_page;
> >
> >             struct {
> >                 uint64_t bfn;
> >                 uint64_t gfn;
> >                 uint16_t domid;
> >                 ioservid_t ioserver;
> >             } lookup_foreign_page;
> >
> >             struct {
> >                 uint64_t bfn;
> >                 ioservid_t ioserver;
> >             } unmap_foreign_page;
> >         } u;
> >     };
> Do we really need such ioserver ID here? Could it be simple
> as looping all ioreq servers with INVALIDATE notifications?
> [...]
> >
> > IOMMUOP_map_page
> > ----------------------
> > This subop uses `struct map_page` part of the `struct pv_iommu_op`.
> >
> > If IOMMU dom0-strict mode is NOT enabled then the hardware domain will be
> > allowed to map all GFNs except for Xen owned MFNs else the hardware
> > domain will only be allowed to map GFNs which it owns.
> "map all GFNs" -> "map all MFNs" since you use "except for Xen owned MFNs"
> later. Since you have a capability called IOMMU_QUERY_map_all_mfns, should
> you add such condition in above description?
> >
> > If IOMMU dom0-strict mode is NOT enabled then the hardware domain will be
> > allowed to map all GFNs without taking a reference to the MFN backing the 
> > GFN
> > by setting the IOMMU_MAP_OP_no_ref_cnt flag.
> could you elaborate when no_ref_cnt is required?
> [...]
> >
> > IOMMUOP_unmap_page
> > ------------------
> > This subop uses `struct unmap_page` part of the `struct pv_iommu_op`.
> >
> > The subop usage of the `struct pv_iommu_op` and `struct unmap_page` fields
> > are detailed below:
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Field          Purpose
> > -----          -----------------------------------------------------
> > `bfn`          [in] Bus address frame number to be unmapped in DOMID_SELF
> >
> > `flags`        [in] Flags for signalling page order of unmap operation
> >
> > `status`       [out] Mapping status of this unmap operation, 0 indicates 
> > success
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Defined bits for flags field:
> >
> > Name                        Bit                Definition
> > ----                       -----      ----------------------------------
> > IOMMU_UNMAP_OP_remove_m2b    0        Wildcard M2B mapping removed for
> >                                       lookup_foreign_page use
> Is it explicitly required? Should it be implicit as long as a valid M2B entry 
> existing?
> [...]
> > IOMMUOP_map_foreign_page
> > ------------------------
> > This subop uses `struct map_foreign_page` part of the `struct pv_iommu_op`.
> >
> > It is not valid to use a domid representing the calling domain.
> Then what's being used here to represent the calling domain?
> >
> > The hypercall will only succeed if calling domain has sufficient privilege 
> > over
> > the specified domid.
> How is this privilege check being done? Is there existing mechanism, or 
> something
> new to add?
> >
> > The M2B mechanism is an MFN to (BFN,domid,ioserver) tuple.
> >
> > Each successful subop will add to the M2B if there was not an existing 
> > identical
> > M2B entry.
> >
> > Every new M2B entry will take a reference to the MFN backing the GFN.
> >
> > All the following conditions are required to be true for PV IOMMU 
> > map_foreign
> > subop to succeed:
> >
> > 1. IOMMU detected and supported by Xen
> > 2. The domain has IOMMU controlled hardware allocated to it
> > 3. The domain is the hardware_domain and the following Xen IOMMU options are
> >    NOT enabled: dom0-passthrough
> 4. the domain has sufficient privilege over the specified domid;
> [...]
> >
> > IOMMU_lookup_foreign_page
> > -------------------------
> > This subop uses `struct lookup_foreign_page` part of the `struct 
> > pv_iommu_op`.
> >
> > This subop lookups up a BFN mapping for a ioserver + gfn + target domid
> > combination.
> >
> > The hypercall will only succeed if calling domain has sufficient privilege 
> > over
> > the specified domid.
> >
> > If a 1:1 mapping exists of BFN to MFN then a M2B entry is added and a
> > reference is taken to the underlying MFN. If an existing mapping is present
> Then when will this very reference be dropped?
> > then the BFN is returned and no additional reference's will be taken to the
> > underlying MFN.
> >
> > A 1:1 mapping will exist if there is no IOMMU support or if the PV hardware
> > domain was booted in dom0-relaxed mode or in dom0-passthrough mode.
> what about hardware domain using IOMMUOPS in the meantime? In that
> case, from your earlier description it's hardware domain to manage BFN
> addr space, while here 1:1 mapping is some hard assumption in hypervisor,
> so two things together may conflict. There needs to be a mechanism
> that once Xen sees any explicit BFN passed from hardware domain, then
> such 1:1 mapping scheme should be disabled.
> >
> > If there is no IOMMU support then the MFN is returned in the BFN field 
> > (that is
> > the only valid bus address for the GFN + domid combination).
> >
> [...]
> >
> > Linux kernel architecture
> > =========================
> >
> > The Linux kernel will use the PV-IOMMU hypercalls to map its PFN address
> > space into the IOMMU. It will map the PFNs to the IOMMU address space using
> > a 1:1 mapping, it does this by programming a BFN to GFN mapping which 
> > matches
> > the PFN to GFN mapping.
> >
> > The native SWIOTLB will be used to handle devices which cannot DMA to all of
> > the kernel's PFN address space.
> >
> > An interface shall be provided for emulator usage of IOMMUOP_*_foreign_page
> > subops which will allow the Linux kernel to centrally manage that domain's 
> > BFN
> > resource and ensure there are no unexpected conflicts.
> One open here. When IOMMU is enabled, there is supposed to be a
> IOVA space created in Linux kernel. How does this BFN space play
> with that one?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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