On 16/04/2016 12:30 AM, George Dunlap wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 7:59 AM, Steven Haigh <net...@crc.id.au> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm wading through the somewhat confusing world of documentation regarding
>> storing DomU disk images on an iSCSI target.
>> I'm getting an error when using pygrub of:
>> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>> 'iqn=iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:ff2d12c0-b709-4ec0-999d-976506c666f5,portal='
>> After much hunting, I came across this post:
>> http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2013-04/msg02796.html
>> As such, I'm wondering if it is still required to *NOT* use pygrub for
>> booting iSCSI DomUs?
>> If so, what are the alternatives? Using pv-grub / pv-grub2? Something else?
>> As I'm running EL7.2, I figure if I have to use a pv-grub based solution, it
>> would have to be pv-grub2?
> I see you've got a fix already.  But even so, if using pv-grub2 is a
> possibility for you, it might be worth pursuing anyway:
> - it will be much more secure than pygrub
> - it will probably more reliable, since it's actually a native grub
> binary ported to Xen, while pygrub is just a python script that
> attempts to duplicate some of grub's functionality.

Hi George,

I kind of agree - its on my todo list, but I haven't managed to see much
about including it in a .spec build yet.

If you've done any work on this so far, I'd be happy to discuss off-list.

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
Web: https://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897

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