I had created a VM in my xen installation with the following command:

sudo xen-create-image --hostname=test --memory=512mb --vcpus=2 --lvm=vg0 --dhcp 
--pygrub —dist=wheezy

I have booted in to the VM with the following command: sudo xl create -c 

Now when I run ifconfig in the VM, I just get nothing. No network at all.

How do I go about actually creating the VM’s network interfaces and connect it 
to the internet?

I have created a bridge for xen as can be seen from the command: sudo brctl 
show, which gives the following result:

bridge name bridge id STP enabled  interfaces

xenbr0 8000.c89cdced348b no eno1


I am assuming that vif2.0 refers to the VM, so how can I actually go about 
creating the network card?

I am trying to observe traffic to and from the VM from my host machine.


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