Please thinking about a nice GUI. After it users like me and book author 
working and introduce Xen more than it.

Thank you.
On Tue, 11/15/16, Jason Long <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Xen like VirtualBox
 To: "George Dunlap" <>, "John Haxby" <>
 Cc: "" <>
 Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 6:05 AM
 Thank you but I guess it is serious
 for Xen.
 Are you Sure Red Hat company help Xen? I guess you wrong.
 Red Hat employee not mean Red Hat company and they can help
 other Open Source projects as hobbyist. I guess some Citrix
 guys help KVM as hobbyist too. When you read Virtualization
 books then all of them explain VirtualBox and VMWare
 Workstation but why not Xen? It is because of a GUI leak. In
 my opinion, Xen and Citrix guys must work on a nice
 interface for Xen and don't thinking about something like
 virt-manager or..
 On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 5:28 PM, George Dunlap <>
 On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 11:54 AM, John Haxby <>
 > On 15/11/16 11:17, Jason Long wrote:
 >> You said a Red Hat employee and this company like
 KVM not Xen.
 > That makes no sense.  You're denying what it says
 on the
 > web site as well as denying what it
 says in the
 > description of the RPM.   Even the Red
 Hat RPM for virt-manager says
 > that it works with Xen (I'm looking at the RHEL6 source
 and it says
 > "administering virtual machines for KVM, Xen, and
 > You can choose to avoid anything to do with Red Hat
 because of their
 > preference of KVM over Xen, but, as the English saying
 goes, that's
 > cutting your nose off to spite your face.
 To corroborate this, two points:
 First, RedHat generally do Open Source properly: They run
 like virt-manager and libvirt as proper open-source
 communities, even
 when their engineers are doing the lion's share of the
 Obviously the RedHat engineers focus on functionality which
 important to RedHat.  But it's been my consistent
 experience that
 these projects accommodate work that people from the 
 Xen community
 put in.  The libvirt guys don't actively develop Xen
 functionality for
 libvirt, but if we submit patches they get constructive
 review, and if
 someone else breaks existing Xen functionality they fix it.
 Secondly, while Citrix doesn't use virt-manager for Xen,
 SuSE and
 Oracle do (I believe).
 If you know of bugs or deficiencies in virt-manager's Xen
 then please do report them.  But don't dismiss it
 out-of-hand simply
 because RedHat are the main contributors.

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