On 08/01/18 01:40, Hans van Kranenburg wrote:
> Hi,
> At debian, we have reports of users that were apparently using PVH v1
> with Xen 4.8 and Linux 4.9. After the debian kernel team included the
> meltdown patches, PVH v1 breaks:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=886591
> So, my questions are:
> 1. Should we just gently tell the users that they were not supposed to
> do that in the first place, and tell them to look for alternatives?

Yes. PVH v1 was a tech preview and has been removed since then. It is
no longer supported as PVH v2 is now the way to go.

PVH v1 used PV domains as a base, while v2 is based on HVM domains. The
kaiser patches disable page table isolation for the kernel running as a
PV guest, but not for PVH. The PV parts being active in PVH v1 won't
cooperate very well with page table isolation...


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